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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Fibonacci

  1. u have 38 posts and 4 fb and u want 40m deposit? get outta here
  2. making custom accounts, and buying accounts are 2 different things.
  3. @Myte Halve that and you got your pc
  4. sad @holden3630 Get Rekt can complete your order as i just recieved a B gloves order, Your account will be in good hands with Get Rekt
  5. Can do all these things for you, 10m
  6. can do mining for 1.250k :-)
  7. Am terible math-maker and i like Prison breke alot
  8. I dont but like you always say, I can make those for you
  9. exactly what I said Respect for refunding all those ppl Koont scammed, shows real loyalty
  10. Fibonacci


    can do this right now for 2m if you have a cannon
  11. I have 90 str 60 atk DT + nmz quested. 1 def, pm me for details
  12. mine usually lasted 3 days suiciding
  13. Botting a service isnt small, its selfish and dumb. You'd do it again if you see an opportunity.
  14. Hey if you still need any of those, pm me
  15. at 1 feedback already in a dispute. I'd charge 4m too if I botted services.
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