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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by nicksep1

  1. >makes 10k due to botting >gives away 20$ tx anyways
  2. ast accounts (if you know of any): [member=username] http://osbot.org/forum/user/55010-xylate/ Current account: http://osbot.org/forum/user/55010-xylate/ Reasoning: https://www.sythe.org/members/xylate999.538184/ he's banned on sythe, skype matches. Ban for ban evading a ban, even if the ban was justified still he is banned on sythe, as am I. My ban on sythe is a precaution ban, so I don't see what's the difference. https://www.sythe.org/threads/2112776/wrongfully-banned/#post-17691368 <=== Link that the skypes match current skype here : https://gyazo.com/5acfe9a53ac5405100631c22ab204798 no difference from my ban, either you be equal and unban me or ban him and aswell as decode for decode's offsite ban and jamez and still looking for more, gonna be posting soon
  3. Past accounts (if you know of any): [member=username] https://www.sythe.org/threads/ace_pro/ Current account: http://osbot.org/forum/user/169267-decode/ Reasoning: banned offsite. proof it's him : https://www.sythe.org/threads/chriss-middleman-service-500-donor-500-vouches-50k-traded/page-34#post-15260512
  4. Past accounts (if you know of any): http://www.p****bot.org/community/topic/1231854-scammed-by-cartisian/ http://www.p****bot.org/community/profile/1301270-cartisian/ Current account: http://osbot.org/forum/user/117655-jamez/ Reasoning: he's banned offsite
  5. Forum is more of a dictatorship, there's no equality here and it's justified by some people get perma banned for the same reason people get a warning, some people people keep TWC for longer than others. Others get away with scamming. If you have lifetime sponsor there will be HUGE leniency against you is all I can say, The higher your rank = the more shit you get away with.
  6. Well, 24 hours from your post seems fair, if he doesn't hand me over 400m or partial amount proving his attempt to resolve it its safe to say he should be perma banned until he deals with my dispute
  7. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/112806-artkid-ban-offsite/ http://osbot.org/forum/topic/109436-artkid0 http://osbot.org/forum/topic/108201-s-45m-07-gp/?hl=miguelss.94 http://www.p****bot.org/community/profile/1689652-artkid/ matching skypes, I'm unsure what proof exactly you're looking at @@Dex Spent 1min while playing league finding this
  8. Before I start I know i'm banned for an offsite ban on my account ( nicksep ) I am disputing it right now, it's a precaution ban. I am not attempting to ban evade it, I just wish to have a dispute open to ensure he doesn't scam anyone else. Once my offsite ban is resolved i'll appeal it to ensure no problems in the future occur He has had many disputes against him, such as the 70m off the account he is being accused of taking, Sahand or Howest haven't had such problems and it seems oddly coincidental he has so many disputes against him, compared to 0 that sahand / howest have. : http://osbot.org/forum/topic/110973-spiderman-scamming-me-for-70m/ Disputed member: @Spiderman / @Spiderman / [user=Spiderman] Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/111290-maxed-main-stakerbosser-piety-unlocked/?hl=spiderman#entry1252587 Explanation: Spiderman sold me a maxxed main staker for 180m, I paid 150m to him and then recieved the acc after that I paid 30m as he said I could pay it later as I was short, he Account he took back : https://gyazo.com/4696df1406854a7cc5316a386ede0d2c also added another 60+ qp and imbued many rings (nmz points) and much more time etc, Including full void. It also had a magma helm 1/6553.6 drop off zulrah. I spent over 7 days game time on it, which roughly speaking is another 300m+ of services and questing and supplies etc roughly of the account aswell as maxxed zulrah gear of 100m~ on the account what he sold me : hidden Evidence: him "justifying it : https://gyazo.com/37bd3fe5d28c0a60ed393ef3695280c6" proof it was recieved : Proof there was no bank pin when he took it back aswell as the fact that he did indeed take it back and also him lying (sent in by anon user who doesn't want to be involved : https://gyazo.com/070541550bc49e6006feefd524928aca + https://gyazo.com/cac09003250cc76f324f184e4c952777 I have many people that can confirm that the 10m bank is a lie, if needed we can involve them. Drewy saw me with a 100m+ bank yesterday while I was screensharing a zulrah kill before we went to play League of legends. If needed I have other members who can confirm my bank. https://gyazo.com/437923ade6d92f136688801463a2d8dc + https://gyazo.com/642dc9d689d9fe5b4124cf2ba396862f logs of all the scamming done on the acc by him : https://gyazo.com/aca83846f4b1de376fa3a4bf82fbe497 proof he admits its sold on the forum also : https://gyazo.com/443b432efe45ab710f33414725f78e3b feedback of the account trade (please change it to negative) : https://gyazo.com/c753efdfbcbd9558cc3b774ab4c37355 full conversation logs :
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