Cbf making the thread pretty so I'll just give some basics about the script and leave you guys a download.
Requirements: 17 agility, 15 slayer
Recommended: 40+ ranged level, 40-50+ hitpoints for running through the dungeon to twisted banshees
Basic features: Kills twisted banshees in the catacombs using a safe spot until your inventory is full. Banks and repeats, hops if another player is at the safe spot upon arrival.
Start the script near the Catacombs of Kourend statue in Zeah. A GUI will pop up. Type in the food you wish to use and hit enter, and then click the start button.
The script works very well in general, but its clear weak point is running through crowds of mobs when banking as it's not able to eat food while running. If you have a low defense level or low hitpoints, you run a risk of dying.