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Trade With Caution
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About armyofu3

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  1. Hey, I'll purchase after a successful trial if you can spot me one
  2. Bit too high for me. No room for profit after fees.
  3. Looking to re-fill stock. 0.69-0.79/mil depending on quantity and payment method. Please shoot me a PM!
  4. If you can lower price, i'll take it off of you. Sent you a pm.
  5. Have you tried deleting both files and re-downloading?
  6. Yes. Also tried it on my desktop computer (where usually there are 10+ bots going) and same thing. It’s just freezing and saying not responding. The scripts will work fine for 20-30 minutes but then osbot freezes. I checked injection too thinking maybe it’s mirror, but it happens with mirror as well.
  7. I assumed I was over packing it with bots, so I ran just 1 bot. Even when I started up 1 bot, it still happens (tested different scripts too).
  8. I'm currently having an issue where the game freezes. I have never had this issue up until the 1.45 release yesterday. Essentially, I will be mirroring with osbuddy (which I've always done), and after 30 minutes, the clients are frozen. I won't be able to interact with the clients, and I have to force quit them to shut them down. So they're stuck being open and frozen unless I force quit them to shut down. Edit: The mac pinwheel starts spinning and saying application not responding. It's been doing this ever since the update. Going unresponsive after a little while. Any suggestions?
  9. armyofu3


    Here's my feedback from getting my account 1-70. Overall, I'd say it was an 8/10. Great script - def worth some cash. But there are a few tweaks to be made before purchasing. Firstly, once it mines an ore, it tends to click on the ore again. After the 'there is no ore currently available' message, it moves to the next rock. Sometimes it'll click the same rock 2-3 times in a row that it has just mined. I powermined iron, and ideally, the best spot is East Ardy where the little mine is behind the essence teleport. It has 3 iron rocks very close, and also could be a quick bank for those who didn't powermine. Unfortunately, this location isn't supported. I tried the custom location, and I tried choosing my rocks @ East Ardy and it didn't work. The script failed every time - it wouldn't load. But if I chose a pre-set location, everything ran smoothly. I tested the speed, and it seemed jumpy. Even with randomized speeds. It would stall for a little bit (anti-ban), and then when it went to click on the rock, it seemed very botlike. The path didn't seem to be randomized. I could be wrong about this stuff and maybe it's my fault, but those are my observations. So to perfect the script to make it worth purchasing after the trial: -Add Ardy East location -Fix custom location -Fix repeatedly clicking ores once/twice after the ore has already been mined -Add path randomization So overall: Dude awesome script man. Definitely can go places with it.
  10. armyofu3


    I'm interested in a trial mate.
  11. Awesome script but as others suggested: Shift-dropping After it mines a rock, it clicks the rock again before moving to the next rock. Fix those and speed up wait time between rocks/mining, and it'd be worth some money.
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