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Everything posted by Nice guy
Cheers, have been runnin it flawlessly ever since that first bug so it's all good
Sounds intresting. Is there any guide on how to do this?
Any updates on wheter mountain daughter will be added soon?
Hi, first time using the script after purchasing! I set it up correctly im sure as the gui is pretty simple to use with lobster to eat at 30 and withraw 5 from bank. Then i let it run it's first trip and walked away from pc and came back to it having stopped with the logs: [iNFO][bot #1][12/30 02:44:46 em]: Found a new target, attempting to attack [iNFO][bot #1][12/30 02:44:56 em]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold. [iNFO][bot #1][12/30 02:45:04 em]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [iNFO][bot #1][12/30 02:45:04 em]: Lets Open bank [iNFO][bot #1][12/30 02:45:04 em]: Using bank at location: 2945,3367 Named: Bank booth [iNFO][bot #1][12/30 02:45:08 em]: Detected tabs [iNFO][bot #1][12/30 02:45:10 em]: Withdrawing food [iNFO][bot #1][12/30 02:45:10 em]: Killing script, no Lobster left. [iNFO][bot #1][12/30 02:45:12 em]: Terminating script Molly's Chaos Druids... [iNFO][bot #1][12/30 02:45:12 em]: Script Molly's Chaos Druids has exited! I still had around 57 lobsters left in the bank. Edit: Also one quick question, does it eat for loot?
Yeah no luck so far... GIF: http://imgur.com/a/fpqtR this is what it looks like. So you guys could better understand my problem
Oh allright the update hasn't been released on sdn yet? well that explain it. I remember another guy commenting on a bug on sandcrabs where it goes to bank back and forth. Just happened to me, not sure if it's fixed in the coming update but this is what it looks like. Also i read you said that it should log out when out of arrows/bolts. It has never done that for me, not with the bone bolts i've been using at least. Sometimes when i bring just enough bolts for 1-2hours i can find it 2,5hours later still trying to attack npc's without any bolts left in ammo slot. Gif of banking issue: http://imgur.com/a/RUkcy Allthough i did have some items from my previous run on "bank item" that are no longer in my bank, so that could be what's making it confused? But it had made several bank trips in the past couple of hours just fine.
Starting at 1/1/5 and then 28 days later.......
Nice guy replied to US Air Force's topic in Runescape
okay so you used the mouse macro to use on the absorption potions? :P -
Starting at 1/1/5 and then 28 days later.......
Nice guy replied to US Air Force's topic in Runescape
Mind telling me what gear and setup you were using with those stats? I don't see how it's afkable with a mousemacro when you still need to heal/pray/overload -
Yes i posted after the update, so it still doesn't work. Altough my script still says v163 but i guess it will show correct version later.
Cool man! Thanks alot, i'll go and try it right now and post if there's any bugs still I don't quite get the 'smart safespot' option? So if normal safespotting is using 1 tile, and smart safespots also 1 tile then what's the difference? Edit: It worked better than yesterday, but it still bugs out and attacks the doors. Also almost got me killed (had ring of life) because i was getting attacked whilst it was running back and forth... Gif: http://imgur.com/a/njpgw note: i have the hud off for viewing pleasure but the safespot-tile is obviously right next to the door. It worked fine for about 5 minutes prior only doing this once and the straight back to fighting but sometimes it does this unitl i die. It's not always the double doors in the other room, sometimes also the doubledoors in the same room as me.
Allright cool Yeah it worked fine, never noticed the "smart safespotting" option before too. Because what it would do before is when i set a tile as a safe spot and there was something in the way of the firegiant i was attacking, so he had to move one tile forward to reach him, and still be in safespot distance. But it would still try to go back to the safespot and and then keep running back and forth safe spot - attack - safe spot - attack etc. Does the smart safespot option work like that? Or is it suppose to know that the 1 tile ifront is also safe?
I tried both, but i was mainly using the smart safespot option and chose 2 tiles so it wouldn't run back and forth when the giant is too far away. So i switched over to sand crabs and used the plugin, afk my position and only attack my crabs and it does instead: http://imgur.com/a/guT1O so it's not "afk" and only attacking the 2 crabs around me it's trying to get nearby
Hey great updates so far! But now when i use the script for fire giants inside waterfall dungeon, and the safe spot by there door as 'safe spot tile' it will spam click the door - fire giant - safespot - door - fire giant - safe spot etc etc etc. Ive tried everything and cant get it to work anymore
What's CLI? I've tried it in low-resource mode and I just tried it again and didn't work I've been trying some new bot-clients and have no issues there. But it's only only on my pc that it does this, at work it's fine and also my laptop is fine..
Starting at 1/1/5 and then 28 days later.......
Nice guy replied to US Air Force's topic in Runescape
How did the mouse recorder help you before 70/70/70 and u could use guthans? -
Still haven't solved this it's sooo frustrating and you have to remake script setting over and over because of something you ticked that was actually something else but the screen flimmer around and text for one box is moved up or down etc..
I also had problem with the most western door to the high lvl flesh crawler and zombies, always stuck and i had to manually enter but every other door/path it took would work
Hi czer nice updates on the script! Been using it erry day! Finally got my acc to desired combat for green drags ;) But how do I set it up? In your OP it says it supports green drags? And i searched and you said somewhere there was a plugin for it but i can't find it. Tried setting it up normally (even though there's no death walk and re-iteming) i thought it would still work if i babysit for pkers but it doesn't eat! I watched it go as low as 12 before i had to stop the script. Any way to change at what hp to eat at or was it maybe bugged?
Guys i still need help it's really reaaallly annoying and i fuck up my setting all the time cus of it..
It also it doesnt stop when out of arrows/bolts (using ranged mode).
Nope I have BenQ 1080p 144hz monitor.
Coolio! Btw i edited my post but you had allready replied. Could you explain the differences with the 3 different walking modes? Or reffer to any post you have explaining them? thanks
Great updates man keep em up! Another issue is path walking, but i guess that's a pretty tricky thing to get to work right. I'm trying the script with range + safe spotting in the waterfall dungeon on firegiants. Whilst fighting in there it handles the combat great! But when i tick the option to stop when food is out, it still fights until he dies. Also when banking it didn't find his way back to the fire giants. A very understandable issue. I doubt that you have scripted every path to every monster including waterfall dungeon cus to acces u need to go on a raft.. use rope on a rock, then a tree, have the amulet and then enter. Allthough there is a questing script for it that was able to do it so... Could you reffer to anything the explains what the 3 difference with walking modes?
Yeah i've tried everything. The only thing that made combat work was setting it to attack anything it could find and it will always go to the south-eastern room with the -35 flesh crawlers but it's a f2p char so whatever if the xp is slow i don't care.. Also when banking and going back it seems to get stuck when entering the 2nd floor and just stand there by the doors/portals