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  1. Oh my bad, I didn't see the try due to the formatting, looks fine then.
  2. You need to close your streams (read / write) or put them in a try-with-resources statement.
  3. Why not just use the java 8 Files api? https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/nio/file/Files.html
  4. Basically you just run a script as normal... but this script you run should actually just be something that loads in an external jar and executes it. Reloading the jar in whenever it changes (so you'd watch for file changes) https://gist.github.com/anonymous/50ad5efb7e7cf3a3da8a097eadbd276d This is one i wrote for a different client (i apologize if this is not allowed), but its the same basic idea, you can use that and just change it to make it work with osbot. As far as I know, when you instantiate the class from the jar file, you can just pass the Script instance to the new class through the constructor.
  5. You can also write your own reloader that will reload the script on jar change, and run it on top of your script. Then you don't even need to go and stop the script and refresh for changes.
  6. Hey, I didn't look too much into it but was just wondering if the security manager has to possibility of being disabled by injecting a java agent upon the startup of the bot and setting the security manager and disallowing the bot to set their own policy. I wasn't fully able to get it working, but just wanted to let staff know in case this was actually a possibility of an exploit. Although it would be hard to pull off if you were to affect anyone else since you'd have to add the java agent as an arg on startup of the bot.
  7. they are 7 cents, not 70 they are only 7 cents each
  8. I run an an automated level 3 account site, they DO NOT have tutorial island, but i thought you still may be interested. https://madaccounts.com
  9. Imagine if you have a webserver that only operates on 1 thread synchronously. It could only handle one request at a time. Lets say a user visits and another user visits 1 second after, it has to grab his data from the database, do whatever calculations etc, and resolve the first users request before being able to even recognize the second user has sent a request to the website. This is due to the only thread being blocked from the first request, so no other requests can be considered.
  10. I wouldn't really trust entering my password into a 3rd party java application that isn't the actual client, but thats just me. But then again i could just build it from source... test
  11. I am the dev btw, i wrote that, quote me if you have any questions. Thanks.
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