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  1. If I use a fighter script or a splashing script, what is the ban rate for splashing? Also, is there a way of beating the 20 minute timer without botting completely? Thanks in advance.
  2. So I've been using a new method for botting new pure accounts and new main accounts and was wondering about some things which I will get into later. So my method consists of botting 3 different accounts at a time, only 1 runs and I train them in shifts. Once I get to 70+ stats on all 3 I quit botting them completely. I start 3 new accounts and begin botting them, I bot them to 70+ stats, then go back to my original set. My question is, how long from the time of a report to the time of the delayed ban? Is there any way I could be banned 1 month after I quit botting completely? I don't anyone posting bullshit horror stories of your 1 year long delay bans or shit like "i quit botting 3 months ago and just got banned" cause we all know thats bullshit. Jagex wouldn't let you stay in the game that long, too much profit is already made from the account. I could see 2 weeks to a month. How long is a realistic delay ban? I don't want to start transferring gold to the original set then after a month of not being botted then get banned.
  3. Whichever one Jagex uses to ban. So IP address right?
  4. So I need to change my MAC IP address, any suggestions?
  5. I know I'm botting, I know I'm not immune. I'm asking how to lower my ban rate because I'm not going to quit botting lol.
  6. So I have been botting RS for about 8 years now. The past 3 months I have not had 1 successful botted account. They have all been banned within 3 weeks. What is my goal? make a nice maul rusher. All I want is a low HP maul rushing account and I keep getting banned. Yes I always take precautions. I only bot 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, I do quests legit, bot multiple skills, I remain fairly balanced while pushing relatively harder on strength. I use premium scripts for strength botting. No I do not change my IP, I DO USE roughly the same email login for each account I bot so this may play a factor. However, I only bot one account at a time and I have never gold farmed. Can you guys tell me what Im doing wrong? Thanks.
  7. It cant find the shrimp spots after it hops. I just set there after it hops and stays logged in.
  8. I was banned using this script. Here's my account life span: Used the VIP AIO script to complete rune mysteries botted chickens in a remote area for 10 att and 10 str botted goblins in a remote area to 50 strength and 35 attack completed romeo and juliett manually completed vampire slayer manually botted to 64 strength at zombies in a remote area banned total account lifespan: 1 month (not botting hard) the odds of being reported are very low as I have special spots and do not have a botter profile. I never botted more than 5 hours a day and only botted 3 days a week. I would also took a week break from botting the account at all. I never gold farmed.
  9. Just purchased the script, looks great, except when i start the bot it just sits there. I am on a mac, and selected the option on the first interface. Am i doing something wrong?
  10. No, it just says "searching". It works on the browser which is weird.
  11. Yes, I think the size of the old school client is why it won't locate, however it does work via firefox browser. Not sure why its different.
  12. Bought VIP, trying to use mirror mode, and It says "searching for oars client to attach to" and does nothing after that. Pls help.
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