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  1. I get that. But if the next obstacle is visible on screen why click the minimap? Maybe only use minimap when its off screen? This always happens on the 2nd last jump in seers.
  2. Yeah, clicking the minimap is what is gonna get everyone banned. Script is good just needs tto stop clicking the minimap lol. Dead giveaway that I'm botting. Just got back to osrs hope to see that improved.
  3. can I get a trial please?
  4. Got 2 day ban, ran it for 3,3,4 hours at a time at seers.
  5. Already edited my original post, thanks for the help. Can close the thread now.
  6. I guess that's a temp fix. Just emptied my cache and cookies and still not working.
  7. So for the past few days my notifications have not been working. Here's what it it does: I honestly haven't really tried anything to fix it, so I'm open to suggestions. Going to empty my cache now to see if it works. Temporary solution:
  8. Just kept moving camera to try and find the wall. Did that for like a good 45 seconds before it actually found the wall. edit: I'm using seers teleport if that has anything to do with it. Edit2: Also runs to corner everytime it gets to the 2nd last obstacle before actually performing the action. Kinda botlike. As below
  9. Nvm, I bought it. Perfect as expected.
  10. Does it have a seers teleport when it gets to the end of the course? If so, may I have a trial. Btw your scripts are awesome.
  11. Getting stuck again. Log: [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: Going to bank now! null | TAKE_BARS [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: go bank 1 [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: Going to bank now! null | TAKE_BARS [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: go bank 1 [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: Going to bank now! null | TAKE_BARS [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: go bank 1 [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: Going to bank now! null | TAKE_BARS [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: go bank 1 [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: Going to bank now! null | TAKE_BARS [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: go bank 1 [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: Going to bank now! null | TAKE_BARS [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: go bank 1 [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: Going to bank now! null | TAKE_BARS [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:51 PM]: Script Perfect Blast Furnace has paused! [iNFO][bot #1][01/21 08:16:52 PM]: Script has been paused.
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