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  1. guac

    OSBot 2.4.162

    I just tried it again, once, and it somehow worked now. Did nothing differently. Anyway, here is the code, if it's still relevant for you. Output.logMessage("cp-3"); // find player Player tradePartner = null; new ConditionalSleep(10100,Shared.getRandomCheckFrequency(760, 2400)) { @Override public boolean condition() { return parent.getPlayers().closest(playerName) != null; } }.sleep(); Output.logMessage("cp-2"); try{ tradePartner = parent.getPlayers().closest(playerName); } catch (NullPointerException e){ Output.logError("couldn't find player (1): " + playerName); return false; } if (tradePartner == null){ Output.logError("couldn't find player (2): " + playerName); return false; } // once the other player is not null, send trade request to that player Output.logMessage("cp-1"); It only ever got to "cp-3"
  2. guac

    OSBot 2.4.162

    Judging, among others, from the posts in different subforums, the issue still lies with the client. AFAIK the whole thing started when Jagex updated the game, which made some functions of the Osbot library no-function. Perhaps version 2.4.162 fixed some of the issues, but apparently not all. All we can do now is wait for the client to receive further fixes.
  3. guac

    OSBot 2.4.162

    the issue with Player.getName(), as described in This closed ClientBugs thread is still not resolved for me. I have deleted the whole OSBot folder, am 100% using 2.4.162, but parent.getPlayers().closest(playerName) with parent being script and playerName a String below 13 characters still results in [ERROR][Bot #1][02/04 08:54:13 AM]: Error in bot executor! java.lang.AbstractMethodError: bc.getName()Lorg/osbot/rs07/accessor/XName; at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Player.getName(ok:99) at org.osbot.rs07.api.filter.NameFilter.match(ml:256) at org.osbot.rs07.api.filter.NameFilter.match(ml:196) at org.osbot.rs07.api.filter.FilterAPI.filter(pn:10) at org.osbot.rs07.api.EntityAPI.closest(nj:254) at org.osbot.rs07.api.EntityAPI.closest(nj:267) at org.osbot.rs07.api.EntityAPI.closest(nj:104) at lib.command.TradeRequest$1.condition(TradeRequest.java:64) at org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep.sleep(bk:47) at lib.command.TradeRequest.sendRequest(TradeRequest.java:66) at lib.command.TradeRequest.execute(TradeRequest.java:34) at lib.command.CommandHandler.handleCommand(CommandHandler.java:55) at Main.onLoop(Main.java:114) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(yl:276) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
  4. guac

    [closed request]

    I'll have to decline, sorry
  5. guac

    [closed request]

    [not looking anymore, thanks] Hey there, I'm looking to buy 100-1000 accounts fresh off tutorial island. Long term supplier would also be appreciated the price will depend on you trust level and the amount of accounts leave your skype name / offer / terms below or pm me. Have a nice day
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