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Trade With Caution
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About L S D

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L S D's Achievements

Black Poster

Black Poster (5/10)



L S D's Feedback

3 Mo 6 Mo 1 Yr
Positive 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0
Negative 0 0 0
  1. Pain left Negative feedback   

    scammed me 25m dont trust him

    L S D was The Buyer

  2. Pain left Negative feedback   

    he scammed me 25mill dont trust him

    L S D was The Buyer

  3. TrEkBaNaAn left Negative feedback   

    scammed me 10m

    L S D was The Buyer

  4. P1mp left Positive feedback   

    sold him 5m 07 gold ,thanks :)

    L S D was The Buyer

  5. crmgator left Positive feedback   

    Bought $5 voucher, I went first, smooth as could be!

    L S D was The Seller

  6. Undecided left Positive feedback   

    MM'd for me ty

    L S D was The Seller

  7. Nebraska left Positive feedback   

    MM'ed for me. Very Professional and quick.

    L S D was The Seller

  8. coosawx left Positive feedback   

    MM'd for me buying an acct. went smooth

    L S D was The Seller

  9. Lights left Positive feedback   

    MM'd for me, quick and trustworthy guy +1!

    L S D was Trading

  10. crmgator left Positive feedback   

    Got me $6 worth of voucher credit for 07 gold, I went first and it was very fast

    L S D was The Seller

  11. 2big2bad left Positive feedback   

    Bought $18 Voucher Went Fast

    L S D was The Seller

  12. hecce4 left Positive feedback   

    Sold him 15m 07 gp, thanks man :D

    L S D was The Buyer

  13. solononforever left Positive feedback   

    Quested for yah

    L S D was The Seller

  14. zRukArab left Positive feedback   

    Great business partner

    L S D was The Seller

  15. Rambo Red Bar left Positive feedback   

    Awesome, trustworth i went first with 15m really good guy.

    L S D was The Seller

  16. hecce4 left Positive feedback   

    Swapped my 07 to eoc, thanks man :Dd

    L S D was The Seller

  17. extraenigma left Positive feedback   

    mmd gold/ppal transaction ty

    L S D was The Seller

  18. Peekaboo 14 left Positive feedback   

    he MMed for me i sold 6m nice guy and fast !

    L S D was The Buyer

  19. AnonymousOS left Positive feedback   

    wold me 5 dollar voucher quick and easy

    L S D was The Seller

  20. Beezmans left Positive feedback   

    5m 07 for 35m eoc quick trade

    L S D was The Seller

  21. solononforever left Positive feedback   

    Did quests , patient and 80 agility <3

    L S D was The Seller

  22. Kittens left Positive feedback   

    Sold him 12mil 07 RSGP via PayPal, Thanks man!

    L S D was The Buyer

  23. Mohammed left Positive feedback   

    good guy greg!

    L S D was The Buyer

  24. Pain left Positive feedback   

    Sold Him 5m i went first fast and easy trade

    L S D was The Buyer

  25. Miley Cyrus left Positive feedback   

    Sold him a level 3. Fast & Easy!

    L S D was The Buyer

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