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Everything posted by Dark798

  1. Haven't checked this out yet, hopefully people selling mem accounts like they did with twitch prime edit: apparently if you make an account on mobile, you cant use it on pc, so this is kinda pointless for now
  2. Lets say I have a zulrah account, 75 mage 75 range 60 defense, would go for around 60m How much would it go for if it had void?
  3. ^ pm me here or on discord: relen#2733
  4. Pm me here or on discord: relen#2733 Zulrah account 1. Pictures of the account stats https://gyazo.com/9f7cb8da8cf62c33ef8260434583d1c7 2. Pictures of the login details: no membership 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) https://gyazo.com/3083e96fd74146f571a0a41e9f51db11 4. Pictures of the quests completed https://gyazo.com/0afa054830e3c9d6c87b4373b7cc458e 5. The price you will be starting bids at: 50m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account: 65m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting: rs07 only 8. Your trading conditions: You go first 9. Pictures of the account status https://gyazo.com/c6b2bd7fc13dacc20a882c486cef986b 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address: I am OO Main 1. Pictures of the account stats https://gyazo.com/1a24ca7a3c60d1cdf341b6d01995e6e5 2. Pictures of the login details: no membership 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) https://gyazo.com/2a36aa6d2e0b832871916c828347300a 4. Pictures of the quests completed https://gyazo.com/c5d0e8a0c249c8a24cb811e47aad91d3 5. The price you will be starting bids at: 60m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account: 100m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting: rs07 only 8. Your trading conditions: You go first 9. Pictures of the account status https://gyazo.com/c6b2bd7fc13dacc20a882c486cef986b 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address 75/75/751. Pictures of the account stats Screenshot - ca45c2ad6611577c94239303753f1a2a - Gyazo3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) Screenshot - 071380d1bc0715323a95a96c75bdf0c3 - Gyazo4. Pictures of the quests completed Nmz ready5. The price you will be starting bids at:25m6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account: 25m7. The methods of payment you are accepting: rs07 only8. Your trading conditions: You go first9. Pictures of the account status: Screenshot - c6b2bd7fc13dacc20a882c486cef986b - Gyazo10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address: I am not OO75/76/761. Pictures of the account stats Screenshot - 4aa62ba0c2678225dca09a9d99cbbdb4 - Gyazo3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) Screenshot - e9b1d7543582b7c4a30dfddb176ce59b - Gyazo4. Pictures of the quests completed NMZ ready5. The price you will be starting bids at: 27m6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account: 27m7. The methods of payment you are accepting: rs07 only8. Your trading conditions: You go first9. Pictures of the account status Screenshot - c6b2bd7fc13dacc20a882c486cef986b - Gyazo10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address: I am not OO
  5. I'm using eclipse. I know I need to change the script a lot, I just put it together really quickly, but I still don't know why it won't even start.
  6. Trying to make a new script but it won't start at all, I copied the skeleton from my first script that would actually run but still doesn't start up package Main; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; @ScriptManifest(author = "Dark798", info = "Progressive", name = "798Chopper", version = 0, logo = "") public class Chopper extends Script { @Override public void onStart() { log("Let's get started!"); } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if (getInventory()contains(int 1351, 1349, 1353, 1361, 1355, 1357, 1359, 6739))||(getEquipment()isWearingItem(EquipmentSlot weapon, int 1351, 1349, 1353, 1361, 1355, 1357, 1359, 6739)); //is my level 1-14 if (!getInventory()isFull()) { RS2Object tree = getObjects().closest("Tree"); if (tree != null) { if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()) { tree.interact("Chop"); sleep(random(300,500)); } } } else getInventory()dropAllExcept(int 1351, 1349, 1353, 1361, 1355, 1357, 1359, 6739);{ } logOut(); return random(200, 300);} } private RS2Object getClosest() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public void onExit() { log("Thanks for running my Woodcutter!"); } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { } }
  7. Hello all, I've started to learn how to script and decided to document my progress here. I don't actually know if I will get Scripter 1 since I don't know the requirements, how experienced I will need to be, as well as the fact that I'd likely keep the good scripts that I write to farm myself. Regardless, here's my progress! Day 0: Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Day 8:
  8. 1: Is it bad if I use the Area bank? I've used plenty of scripts that struggle with finding a bank, so I figured I'd manually add it to solve that problem. 2: Should I put all variables that don't depend on the player in onStart then? 3: I copied the bank section from another guide ? I can see your version is probably better 4: Any idea why it wouldn't run? I didn't mess with the skeleton so I'm guessing it was a client problem or something Thanks for the help, it's definitely coming along with your help =D
  9. So I just tried making a new script that walks to the barbarian village fishing spot, picks up the salmon that fishers drop, banks at edgeville, and walks back. It first checks if it has space in it's inventory. If it doesn't (meaning its full of salmon) then it will walk to barbarian village and pick up salmon. Once it's inv is full, it walks to the bank and deposits. It now has an empty inventory and is told to walk back to barb village. Hopefully that is the correct train-of-thought there. I have multiple questions now. 1: I'm pretty sure I didn't mess with the skeleton or anything but the script will not start 2: I'll often get red line errors under stuff from the api, but then I just have to tell it to import from the osbot.jar. Isn't that what the beginning few lines is supposed to do? 3: How does the script look? I'd obviously test it out myself but it won't start for some reason Thank you for all the help so far !!
  10. yeah, I mean I assume their accounts must be made in Ukraine if it works
  11. Saw a thread a few hours ago where someone said that you should use a Ukraine proxy if you use accounts from accounts.rs I've tested that with a sample size of 1 but no locks yet, if that helps
  12. Thanks for the help, why do you want to have the walking in onLoop? Is it just to make sure I stay in the cow pen? Also, what will happen if I just say to go to the pen like I did? Will it not go to a random position in the area I designated?
  13. Alright boys, I messed around with the script and managed to make it pick up bones and then bury them! Next I tried to have the bot check if you are in the cow pens on start, and walk there if you aren't, and then sleep for 20 seconds to give you time to walk there. Was looking at explv's guide but still having problems with it. public void onStart(){ Position playerspot = myPosition(); Area pen = new Area(3253, 3255, 3264, 3279); if (!pen.contains(playerspot())) getWalking().webWalk(pen); sleep(20000); log("Let's get started!"); }
  14. I feel like that’s something that people just say because it sounds like it makes sense. If everyone is using the same commands and the same api for their bots, why does it matter if you are the only one that has access to a script?
  15. I'm confused on using the api. I understand that I can use it after importing it, but I don't know specifically how to use all of it. I don't know what the conductor and the method summary and all that mean. Also, the red underlined error messages aren't very helpful, is there a guide that clearly says what each error means? public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if(getInventory().contains("Bones")); { getInventory().interact("Bury", "Bones"); } else if (RS2Object cowbones = getObjects().closest("Bones")); if (cowbones != null) { cowbones.interact("Pick up"); } return random(2000, 3000); Pretty excited cause I got it to bury the bones, but then I'm getting errors when making the rS2object var
  16. So I downloaded java 11 while trying to get the correct java for eclipse. I tried opening osbot and it said that java 11 wasn't supported. I deleted java 11, and now I get this when I try to open osbot https://gyazo.com/1c2122bc893a78afe28bb95aaaa8489e I still have java 8 installed. I try to "open-with" and then to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191\bin\java.exe but then it opens a command window and closes instantly.
  17. Couple of questions.. 1: I was already learning bit of c# and so this made a lot of sense to me; is it worth it to try to learn java separately or is it ok if I just know the basics from c#? (for reference, was using this to learn, got to lesson 12 https://mva.microsoft.com/en-us/training-courses/c-fundamentals-for-absolute-beginners-16169?l=vE6GqMQIC_506218949) 2: Can you use visual studio? 3: How does the api work? Do you import the parts of the api you need, and then just use it like a method? 4: Is there a scripting discord or something where I could quickly show someone my code and they could see whats wrong with it? Will prob have more questions, this seems easy enough to get into ?
  18. How much for: 1/60/1 obby mauler 40/40/40 60/60/60 75 magic/60 defense/60 hp with zulrah quests done
  19. would have 66 magic 50 defense 50ish hp
  20. Can't find any good ones on other sites either. Edit: I mean an account creating script; one that just makes accounts, but doesn't send them through tutorial island
  21. hm would an account with 60 mining go for
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