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  1. Very good point. I am going to give selling it a try and if not I will try to make money on it. I totally understand the logic that it'd be hard to spend that much. And for my credibility, anyone could ask Arcus or Divica... I spend tens of thousands with them and don't charge back, but thats probably not much help here lol
  2. Forgot to add, I have rigour, augury unlocked, as well as 700 days of members remaining. does that raise the value at all?
  3. I know. I could have cared less that he took like 90m (spread out over like 250 items...) but he dropped untradeables which was the kick in the nuts
  4. Yes it was. sucks nuts because he did good work for me the first time around. Oh well.
  5. Has barrows gloves, 203 quest points, all lunars, ancients unlocked, an amazing house worth ~70m with decorations including G altar, altar of occult, and max regen pool. Most major quests are completed, elf quests except ME2. Unfortunately void/fire cape have been dropped by a scamming acc trainer. Edit: I'm the original owner, created the account myself when I was a wee lad ages ago.
  6. I tried once and it didn't go so well. At that time I had like half the debt I do now. lol, woulda been better to have then. Plus now, due to being scammed by zerker, I have no void, no firecape etc. Not that that's a ton of value, but its a lot more unappealing now
  7. Either A, i get stats in skills i can't stand training, or B, I get banned and will not go through the trouble of maxing another account to stake ever again. I'm gonna be in debt for the next like ,14 months because of staking. Dumbasses get what they deserve I suppose.
  8. I get this box when loading the client. When I double click first time, it flashes this box. The second time I double click this box will stay on the screen. Am using newest java and osbot versions. open with: Java platform se binary - what i am currently trying to open with, maybe there is a different thing in java folder i need to load with?
  9. Yes. Can be done with 1 pray and 10 hp using tick eating. Which basically means you eat so that you heal after the attack and before the game knows your dead. <-- Amateur explanation, but I don't think it's far off.
  10. I did. Oh well. Guess my time on RS is up. Gambling debt and now no reason to play the game. Thanks for the reply
  11. Disputed member: [Zerker] Thread Link: Explanation: Paid him 80m for services, completed a minor portion ~2% of service. Also dropped nearly every item in my bank (skilling outfits, other untradeables) and took ~100m in items. Evidence:
  12. Also got my account. Wasn't much cash/items, only like 100m spread out over tons of items, but dropped my untradeables too.
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