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  1. Please post rates (£/m), if rate is low enough may purchase more than 100m Happy to go first to trusted users or use a middleman. Looking to pay via UK Bank Transfer
  2. 100m via UKBT, looking for trusted sellers with decent rate. Leave rate below or pm, thanks
  3. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v5itd8wlxxjqrfK5QXquGRRsoNDiP9nDkOU_IVNICq4/edit?usp=sharing All the ones in red and yellow. Looking to get a price and timeline. PM or post here thanks.
  4. It's usually "Leech BA" and they charge 16m per a torso. I used Howest service and got a Torso done for 6m within a couple hours, would recommend
  5. This. I'm on the second week of waiting. Don't expect anything but can hope
  6. If you sold on playerauctions I think you could get alot more than 150m for the first and 100m for the second account.
  7. BazaLiteyer


    Over 100cb. Wanting a price and amount of time needed. Hand done.
  8. Have an ETA on how long it takes to get an email back from them?
  9. Lets see if I can get my main created in 2013 unbanned. Got banned in 2015 for macroing... Wonder if they'll let me have it back cos I claimed hijack at the time
  10. When buying gold how can you lower the odds of a ban? Unless they still don't care about people buying gold
  11. Can people PM me prices before I add on skype? That way I can keep it simple until I decide to go with the person. Thanks
  12. BazaLiteyer


    55-70 Melee stats 45-75 Magic Monkey Madness Quest 35-51 Thieving 40-61 Crafting How much individually and together? Hand done. Thanks
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