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Everything posted by Butters

  1. Sweet, nicely done. Just why do you reinitialize the loot array each time you run the validate method? String[] itemsToLoot = { "Death rune", "Blood rune", "Law rune", "Mithril ore", "Pure essence", "Adamant arrow", "Ranarr seed", "Torstol seed", "Snapdragon seed", "Bones" }; Just make it a class variable
  2. you made your getDefLevel as a variable and not a method. The { } below is just a code block (not a method body). Needs to be int getDefLevel() { return ....; }
  3. It is free, so just need to click add on SDN page https://osbot.org/mvc/sdn2/scripts/15 Then you'll see it on your script selection window in OSBot
  4. Issue was you stopped script before System.exit(); It never got executed
  5. Maybe I misunderstood what you exactly need. If you wanna close the client when it logs out, then probably it finished doing certain stuff and log out means I'm done bye bye. If that's the case. then no need for a login handler, just do System.exit(); after your bot finished it's' activities.
  6. Could do System.exit(0); If you have a custom login handler. If no, then I suggest starting scripts via CLI and close them with taskkill/pkill in batch/bash if possible
  7. It's not bugs, just hooks need updating due to recent rs update
  8. Need at least one thread so the devs can see what's up. Also to let other people know that they're not alone suffering in agony from the downtime
  9. Start OSBot from command line and check the output Example cd ~/Desktop java -jar "OSBot 2.5.2.jar" Should be getting some error
  10. Nice mouse skills Muffins
  11. Was thinking on the exact same lines. Put each display case data into an enum value (config, position, answers) and etc) and just grab the appropriate "enum record" in your onLoop based on the config value present. As Apa mentioned, no real need for inheritance here. Can also just use if/switch statements and you'll end up with one class.
  12. Interesting. Is it only due to tax is exempt? Might also want to read about drop shipping.
  13. sweet. Had to do an appeal or just unbanned due to long time?
  14. Use equals() and not ==, that is if (myPosition()equals(pos)) return true; else return false; This is because == checks if two objects ARE THE SAME IN MEMORY, which they are not. equals(), if coded properly, checks the values of the objects and that is what you need
  15. pm me and I'll help out real quick
  16. Dunno about the "instant sell/buy" prices, but there are a lot of snippets to check osrs/osrs wiki/rs buddy prices. There are a few simpler solutions though. And I found that RSbuddy are not always accurate (well none are actually). Snoop around in Snippets section, should find more.
  17. Custom login handler is your friend here. Ain't gonna be too easy to do properly. Check out Explv's login handler.
  18. This should actually work quicker than my example. Adding a lil extra to filter by predefined distance Player closest = getPlayers().closest(p -> p != null && !p.equals(myPlayer()) && myPlayer.getArea(5).contains(p));
  19. Didn't test, but this might work players.getAll().stream().anyMatch(f -> myPlayer().getArea(5).contains(f)); This will check if there's at least one player around in an area of radius 5 around your player. Returns a boolean true/false
  20. I think Juggles AIO shopbuyer does that, check it out
  21. I think the only limitation is that you can run only 1 or 2 clients while being a grey name. Proxies should work fine.
  22. (speed of light / speed of moon around earth) * perimeter of moon phase Though seriously, nobody knows, but as far as I heard mouse recorders tend to be less banny.
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