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  1. so why does it say im running java version 12 though im confused :l
  2. https://gyazo.com/2979229d6e2e89775fbdcf76d8fb3b47 how do I know which one I need to unenable? @Gunman
  3. can you show me how to do it if I add you on discord and screen share? im noob when it comes to things like that
  4. https://gyazo.com/6db4333adc2078b24c8c38429572554c it says my java isn't supported but it says im running this one when I see what I have downloaded https://gyazo.com/8f05a1a072cf0153118ed7118301fb7e which is the one it says I should have? someone help please I tried the osbot.org/forum/java but I don't understand it
  5. Can I get a trial for this thanks.
  6. Not sure how it works, can they not just do a trial like the other people if not it doesn't matter just wanted to make sure it works right.
  7. Looking for a wildy scout bot, im wanting it to do something like this https://gyazo.com/0086c9450a8ff5816c10da5ec25b4e1d having it send info to my discord or to a clan chat. Pm me how much you would charge for something like this or if someone already has one just let me know how much it would cost and would like atleast a 24 hour trial before paying for it just to check out everything thanks in advance!
  8. Just started happening today, after it searches for client to attach to it force closes
  9. it worked night, what does that mean someone tried hacking my stuff or what?
  10. https://gyazo.com/91ced642fdf3b7f8700b8f6b766f1cdb this is what pops up and it doesn't work that Is java 8 I believe I used command prompt to see what I was using
  11. I went to java.com and updated the latest version and it is still saying that it is invalid. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
  12. can I get a trial, thanks
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