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  1. Hello Czar! I'm loving your script, its really nice. but i was wondering if saving setups on mac is something that you will be working on?
  2. This looks awesome! gotta try this out for sure
  3. Thanks for the answer Czar i tried what you said at guards with my stats at 40/40/40 and it just trained str to 50 then att before doing def. am i doing something wrong here?
  4. Hello, i recently bought this script and theres some things i don't can't get to work xD 1. if i want it to train my stats evenly within 5 levels of each other, what do i do? I've tried putting in the levels i want it to train and check them all but it then just trains 1 skill to the desired level? but if i put it on "lowest level" and check all the skills and let it remain at the current level, it trains each skill wishing 1 level of each other? 2. I've been wondering how i make the script break? it doesn't look like it has a break handler or am i just blind? 3. sometimes the script kills a few mobs and then does nothing. it happened some times in a row at cows near the river east of Draynor manor. otherwise I've been enjoying the script and think its a nice piece of work. I like that you have implemented the stronghold of security as a plugin. Thumbs up for that
  5. Hello Czar! i tried your perfect fighters script and it was awesome! so i was thinking of trying this aswell before buying. Would it be possible to get a trial of this?
  6. Hello czar could i get a trial so i can decide weather to buy this or your stronghold script?
  7. noape

    Hello Czar I've been looking at your scripts and they seem pretty nice, but i can't decide if i should get the fighter or stronghold script?

    which one would you recommend for getting stats up fast and making some cash, i want to try and make a 100% botted account. 

    Have a good day, and keep up the nice work!

  8. Hello! does the script support the new ctrl+click drop update?
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