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About Bobbientje

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Newbie (1/10)



  1. Just confirming that this is true, yes I am talking to myself u_u
  2. Main: Pure: Please don't take my feedback into consideration as I probably won't be selling them here. main is fully quested with barrows gloves, it has fighter torso, full void and much more.
  3. Hi, I would like to request a trial for your awesome looking script to test it out before buying. Thanks in advance!
  4. Right now this script is crashing all my other bots I can't use it :c
  5. It gets stuck on the rune mysteries quest after getting the talisman from the duke. For the abyss I selected the woodcutting obstacle but it didn't seem to work
  6. Alright Czar, I've been running the script for a couple of hours now, and I've ran into multiple problems. I had it walk from Lumby to edge to start abyss crafting, but near barbarian village it started spamclicking the run energy. I had to restart the script to fix it. The quest function is not working at all. The bot has trouble crafting runes through the abyss because it always gets stuck on the npc's and proceeds to die. The bot has trouble crafting runes in normal mode with pouch support. It continues in a loop at the bank switching bankstands every 2 seconds. hope this helps
  7. alright thanks for answering!
  8. Thank you once again for the help! You seem an amazing coder, keep it up Edit: one last question, does the timer for the trial start as soon as I start the script or is it already running as we speak?
  9. Thank you! Edit: Hi Czar, I'm sorry for bothering you again but I'm so confused about where to find the trial I joined very recently and I'm loving osbot so far. Can you help me? Thanks in advance
  10. Hi Czar, can I please have a 24 hour trial? Based on how well it performs I'm considering the purchase of the script. Thanks in advance!
  11. Mr Teamcape, could you please answer my question? Does this script start level 1 at gnome course then once it can go to draynor, does it switch and go there by itself?
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