Hi guys,
Looking for someone to complete the nuggets to 180, i currently collected 81 of them.
I will be keeping the nuggets, leave your discord details below and the price.
Oh and the estimated time that this service will take.
No thank you lol, 10M for 100k wooductting exp takes a couple hours.
Mining expensive aswell, currently a guy doing it for 9M the mining service. But he left at 43 started at 1. Hes got no more time did it for free :).
I'll take my chances with someone else.
@emigdiodia Noty either.
Hi guys,
Leave your price below and discord so i can contact you.
Looking for the following services:
Motherload mining 43/60 i keep nuggets. current exp 51,377
41/53 thieving current exp 42,967
43/60 woodcutting current exp 50,620
Lunar isle quest
Hey people,
I am in need of alot of services these are just the beginning.
Question services
60/70 attk NMZ
51/70 def NMZ
72/ 80 str NMZ
I keep the NMZ points
Motherload mining 39/60 i keep nuggets.
Cooking 52/70 fastest method (wines probably)
41/53 thieving
50/61 crafting
PS discord only.