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  1. Hey using the mouse recorder you are using is it possible to set it up so it plays different recording one after another? E.g to play 10 mins of cutting logs followed by 10 mins of string bows. Atm it only repeats one recording at a time.
  2. I'm running OSminnows script, its strange because iv had it work fine before.
  3. I have OSbot set up to take breaks, and to dismiss all randoms. However it is always hit and miss if it works Any idea why? I normally leave it running over night with breaks say every 2 hours, some times it will go smoothly other times i will wake up and it will be logged out, or other times would have just ran straight threw the night with no breaks. EDIT* botted 1-98 fishing they just gave me a 2 day ban with 1 hour to go untill 99
  4. I'm stringing bows and the pause between filling your inventory and closing the bank is too long, and the pause before clicking the make all button is around 4/5 seconds, any idea?
  5. Been using for few hours now, seems good my only problem is the double click every time the spot moves seems a bit sketchy as its the same speed double click every time.
  6. Have had no problems since I started using osbot months ago but all of a sudden when I started it up today nothing is clickable. I cant even click the X to close it any ideas? Edit* restored my pc back to a point where it was working now when I double click osbot.jar nothing happens at all.
  7. Yeah script not working for me either. Does nothing when started*
  8. May I get a trial please interested thanks.
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