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  1. Script has been updated. Following has been fixed: Fixed walking to bank, no longer walks outside of bank. Fixed antiban messing up interactions with objects. Fixed bot getting stuck on the outside of flax building when door is closed. Fixed bot getting stuck on the ground level floor of the flax building while door is closed. Slowed down bot a bit, improves bot performance. Fixed bot interacting with wheel when still spinning flax. Added antiban action; hover over crafting skill.
  2. Ok fixed, i removed OSBOT from the jar. The script jar is now small.
  3. Let me check. Might have built the jar with the OSBOT jar as a library then obfuscated and also included the OSBOT jar as a library for pro guard. Hold up let me try and make it smaller.
  4. Status Working - Updated on: September 1st, 2016 Whats it do? Spins flax into bowstring at SeersFeatures Task based script, runs flawlessly and self corrects if it breaks. Can be started anywhere near seers bank. Multi threaded, 1 for Antiban, 1 thread for accessories (paint, inventory monitor, price updater) Auto updates bow string price from grand exchange on script start. Opens door flawlessly. Smart antiban, constantly being updated. As much randomness as possible (E.g. when typing quantity, the number entered is never the same as the previous entered value). Screenshot Latest Updates September 1st Fixed walking to bank, no longer walks outside of bank. Fixed antiban messing up interactions with objects. Fixed bot getting stuck on the outside of flax building when door is closed. Fixed bot getting stuck on the ground level floor of the flax building while door is closed. Slowed down bot a bit, improves bot performance. Fixed bot interacting with wheel when still spinning flax. Added antiban action; hover over crafting skill. Download http://www.filedropper.com/blissspinner Instructions 1) Have flax in bank account 2) Be inside seers bank. 3) Start script
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