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  1. cant wait for it to come out, i neeeed it lol
  2. Awesome work juggles! You should make it premium! I'm sure people would pay well for something this convenient
  3. thank you guys, i spent a bit of today researching and did end up figuring out what you have said, that there is a total of around 4 billion ipv4 addresses in the world and you must buy them in order to use/host them as a proxy, and normally it is only 1 address per server. Would be nice if ipv6 addresses became the new norm since there is apparently 340 "undecillion" possible ipv6 addresses, but that will prolly be a while. Ive read on another forum that some people will purchase private proxy lists that change daily, and only users who have purchased access can use. It is much much cheaper to bot with, but the uptime is unreliable and though the chance is unlikely, its possible others use them for botting. This is probably what those cheap websites i was talking about were doing. Thanks for the assistance, ill probably end up using 2-3 bots per proxy since my ban rates are very low (havent been banned yet on any of them after 2 weeks), and buy them from trusted users here such as xylate. I hope this helps others who search the forum with the same questions i had
  4. -solved, read below- Ive noticed proxies usually run around $2-3 per proxy for small quantities and ive purchased some from suppliers here on osbot, but I'm wondering if anyone knows a reliable place to get larger quantities for a good discount. Say around 50 or more. I've found some sites that seem to be extraordinarily cheap but tbh they seem sketchy and the english is always horrible. I'm looking into hosting my own proxies since i have a sever of my own, but i would rather buy them for the right price if I can find it. Not sure if this is another one of those things people dont like to tell others or not so forgive me if that is the case. Thanks!
  5. Ive been looking around, and am curious if anyone has a link to a good site with cheap prices. ive found some with great pricing, but i dont know if they are legit or not. thanks!
  6. So i cant run osbot without completely turning windows defender off, as when i run it it says it has found a virus and is removing it, which causes osbot to say "failed to load stream library". if I go into windows defender it says the name of the threat is "Triojan:win32/rundas!plock". Idk if this is a false positive or what but just letting you guys know.
  7. this looks very appealing, id imagine it has very low ban rates any recent proggies so i can get an idea of the current gp/hr for commonly made tabs?
  8. thats what i was thinking i would do ive figured out the way ima earn my bots bonds, now deciding on the p2p method tho ive found one thats about 350k/hr so im nearly ready to go!
  9. this is very helpful, thanks a bunch! I found someone willing to write me a script for a fair price so now im just trying out methods till I find something worthwhile the hardest part is deciding wether or not to go f2p or p2p mainly
  10. thank you! this is good feedback I'm not sure about the vms sharing an external IP, ill look into that. I know when i check my IP on the vm it does say its different, like if you were to google your ip. thanks! maybe i wasnt being clear with that, but i use a VPN attached to a different server on each VM, since its free i felt it was the better option to start off. Wouldnt that solve the ip issue until i get a proxy? maybe it would be best to ask if people find it more profitable to use p2p bots or f2p bots, rather than methods. as that is really what im wondering, i of course completely understand if that is something people would like to keep to themselves
  11. thanks for the response! yeah i dont expect anyone to give up methods, wasnt sure if people openly did that here but thats just if they feel nice, dont expect it at all. but i use a vm because of the lack of proxies, and the need for a seperate IP, i might give in and just get proxies, but can those proxies simply be IP banned too or are the IPs static? they dont use much more resources than the clients themselves since i have 12 threads i can dish out. and about the mule question, i really meant can they track and identify my other bots based off of who my mule has been trading, since ill be trading to him off each bot daily thanks for your patience as im a bit new
  12. Hi there, just started botting with a friend last week and we have come to learn OSbot is the easiest and most reliable bot client out of all the ones weve tried. I have a few questions about my methods if you guys dont mind helping me out Going to start goldfarming, currently we run 8 or so virtual machines with a few different free vpns that mix up IP adresses on each login, to avoid having to get socks5 proxies as from what i can see you normally have to pay for decent ones and correct me if im wrong, but they can get IP banned anyways. Let me know if this seems like a decent tactic, or if there is an easier way. 1: Is it even feasible to keep a bot from being banned for long periods of time if i go about it carefully? ive done a quest on each and got them above 10 combat, and make sure to go in and talk to a random person every few hours and i play normally for like 20mins once a day. I also dont bot for more than 7 hrs at a time, so far no bans and im only spending like 30 mins of my time a day paying attention to each one. The plan is to get them to earn a bond, then do higher profit methods in members such as fletching or herblore. 2: can i use my same osbot account on seperate IPs without a proxy? since im using VMs with different IPS, which are essentially seperate computers within my computer, i was wondering if i can use my unlimited bots per account with vip on what are essentially different computers at the same time. 3: if i trade all my days earnings for each bot to a mule daily, will this possibly get my other bots banned if one of them gets found? i was thinking i would trade some random people for things on my mule, but idk if that will help. I know not to ever bot on my mule, and i never plan on trading any of the money to my main, as this is just for profit. 4: are private scripts worth it, and how much do they run for a simple one? ive been using free fletching and herblore bots for now, and no bans in a couple of days, but idk if a private script would really be worth it. 5: The big obvious question, what is the best botting method in your opinion? suiciding and trading to a mule frequently, or finding something more profitable to keep accounts from being banned, and if so, what is your favorite method? Its long, but thats all i need to know. I will appreciate any and all feedback
  13. just got vip to support the bot client since its been doing so well for me, and right after i do osbot stops working due to a system update XD rip
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