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  1. pikachoo

    Stealth Quester

    can i get a trial brudda?
  2. buying zulrah acc - pm me prices and deals
  3. nothing inlogs just didnt pot - when you clan wars and tp u lose ur boosts - so it cant be from a previous trip
  4. no, its a fersh trip - usees antivenom but not the other potion i also died and it tped to cammy and just stood there - had to manually get my items back this is the logger thing [iNFO][bot #1][11/11 12:26:37 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=2213, y=3056, z=0]];
  5. it is the same for me i use for 2 hours and now gone i also have problem when it wouldnt drink at the docks - tends to drinbk rangepotions over magic potions for me always have (3) range and (4)( magfe
  6. hello my friend, i sleep when script activated- how long is it for boss- could i get the time reset as i have not used it- thank you
  7. may i have a trial also boss - will post progeress pics also boss ty edit:how iknow if its activiated does it turn up
  8. can do 8m if youve got the stats.
  9. does it except tarromin tar as an id for a weapon?
  10. browsing the scripts and saw this, had to make an account and comment and say it looks amazing can i get a trial boss
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