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Everything posted by IAmOath

  1. Thank you very much for the script!
  2. Awesome so far! curious on how hard it would be to randomise the use of each jug to each grape in the inventory? i have watched for a while and the right click on the "withdraw" items seems to be slightly random in the way it moves but when using jug on grape its the same every time
  3. IAmOath

    Stealth Quester

    restarted script and it put on gear, just checked back to edit it but im too late
  4. IAmOath

    Stealth Quester

    so far so good, all i ask is energy/super energy/stam pots are added to be used and any weight saving gear thats in the bank used. put on full gracefull and it banked it FeelsBadMan i did the same thing hahaha
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