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  1. Want some help? xD WWWEEEEET. I was reading over the API and thought it might be that.. I wonder how Frost was able to implement such a method for hunting more efficiently, then . Does the client have a way of handling pending pins? If not, it'll get stuck when it tries to bank for me, in which case, my panties won't be that soaked
  2. Even using osbot webwalker I'm at 88% cpu usage!!!
  3. Great to hear! For some reason I can only get 60k-80k/hour at black chins (xp) but if I do it myself, I get double this xp rate.. I'm 90+ hunt. This is a wee bit slow on handling the next task.. Once a trap has been placed, you can being placing a new one fairly quickly, if not immediately after that trap has been placed.. You don't have to wait for the animation to complete (which i think is what the bot is doing and is slowing it down a bit). Also, once you receive xp / once the trap is back in your inventory, you can immediately place it back down. No need to wait for that animation to complete either :-). Like, right now, it will wait for you to FULLY complete setting up your trap to begin finding the next trap tile to pickup/replace... It shouldn't do that! Makes it go much slower. It should find the next trap to handle while it is setting up/replacing the one it is currently on. Since it doesn't do this, it look more bot-like and may increase the risk of getting a ban . The way Frost's hunting script does it is similar to the kind of play-style I am talking about. i.e. doesn't wait for animation to finish b4 setting up next trap/dropping next trap.. Using Frost's hunter script I can get 320 chins/hour. Using this one, I get >100 LESS than that and Frost's didn't even have a "walk-over trap" feature. Aside from that, great freaking script!!! The world-hop feature works really well and was the main reason I got this one instead of Extreme's. One problem, though, the world hop feature tries jumping to worlds with 2000 & 1250 skill level total requirements occationally but does recover in time. This would not be fortunate for a low level cb/pure who needs to jump quickly! :P Another thing (sorry, i must be getting annoying xD), It might be wise in the later levels of hunter(92+) to prioritize picking the trap boxes that have a chin in them, rather than setting down/fixing another box. You get much quicker xp/chins this way and if you're hunting black chins, you'll want to get as many as you can before hopping and this is especially true since this script waits for animations to complete before moving on to the next task >.<. Maybe if you could optimize the speed at which you're setting/replacing traps, you wouldn't need to do this... Does this script have a timer (similar to osbuddy) that lets it know when/if a box trap will expire? This is the better question hehe.. If you could incorporate these timers and your advanced mouse hovering method, the xp rates would go thru the roof! Right now some of my boxes are falling over because it isn't looting the boxes that got a chin it in earliest, and then it prioritizes laying a fallen trap, and then my other traps that have chins fall over because i didn't get them before i laid the fallen trap down.. Does that make sense? xD Maybe if the advanced mouse-hovering option also hovered over the next trap it wanted to fix/set, on top of the box trap to place it once it was on the tile, then this would be max profit/xp. <- This combined with not needing to wait for the animations to finish would make this go much, much quicker. Could also possibly add in amulet of glory teleport for banking/withdrawing varrack tabs and running back? I'd wet myself if you could do this.. lvl 30 wildy is just right there, afterall :P Anyway, thanks for listening!! I think the script would be utterly perfect if you could somehow incorporate these things.
  4. Just a little feedback :-) : When multiple box traps are set while hunting red chinchompas, if the user has more than one box trap that has been disabled, and the user is on one of those box traps, it will sometimes go to another box trap and reset that one, instead of just resetting the one it's standing on! Seems kind of silly to me hehe. This script is packed full of features-- exactly what a runescape bot should have! Another bug I noticed: when you pause the script to manually take over (probably not recommended, but it should not hinder the script's capability of resuming well), when you go to place/replace traps, the script will forget them.. I assume this is because the script is not the one setting the trap down-- I am! Also, shouldn't the advanced mouse hovering option be able to hover over the next trap it would like to reassemble? :P EDIT:: When running red salamanders by castle wars, script will try twice to release the salamander very rapidly. It should only do this once, then wait for it to be released. Red salamanders is very buggy... watching the bot for 3 minutes and it has already let 3 salamanders get away while caught in my trap.
  5. Script's gui causes some crazy cpu leakage.. lvl 45 thieve training on master farmer in draynor, withdrawing 14 food, herrings, gloves of silence. cpu spikes when pickpocketing farmer too. this should rlly be optimized >.<. almost makes my desktop tower unusable lol
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