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Everything posted by furiouslyfapping

  1. Yes I lost a lot of hp. I was at 18 hp out of nearly 90 hitpoints.
  2. After using the trial I purchased this script. It works very well! The only concern I have with it is how it handles pk'ers for the abyss. I saw it just keep on going doing its thing after 3 dds specs. Other than that it's smooth sailing.
  3. Khal could I get a trial on this one?
  4. Anybody else having issues with randoms? I have my options in OSBot to dismiss all randoms, but every time I have seen a random with this bot it has not been dismissed or solved. Any insight to this?
  5. Yes it was. I suppose it's possible I chose a different option but there should probably be a fail-safe to exit the script if the location cannot be reached.
  6. No it even had the yellow and green tile overlay on my spot. Not sure what happened but it worked fine for 15 minutes and then couldn't re-aggro.
  7. Had it stall for a while at spot #6. Not sure what happened. I think it's a problem with web-walking. [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:23 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:23 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:23 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:23 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:24 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:24 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:24 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:24 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:24 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:24 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:25 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:25 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:25 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:25 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:25 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:25 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:26 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:26 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:26 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:26 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:26 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:26 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:27 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:27 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:27 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:27 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:28 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:28 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=1695, y=3471, z=0]]; [iNFO][bot #1][12/15 04:44:28 PM]: APA Sand Crabs [Tab 1] Web-walking to camp position
  8. Purchased after the trial. Great script. Small issue with spot #8 on crabclaw isle; the script will run you south-west to reset aggression but it quits working after about 4-5 times. Then the script runs back and forth several times without resetting aggro. I think this happened another time with spot #5 when I wasn't around and it ended up logging me out. It would be good to randomize where the player runs to when resetting aggression not just randomizing the run path.
  9. Could I get a trial please? The sand crab script I'm currently using is garbage.
  10. Not sure if you're aware but with the Great Kourend update pretty much all of the sand crabs spawns don't exist anymore (except for the "Far East" option) and now there are a bunch of crabs on Crabclaw island. An update for crabclaw island would make the sand crab plugin useful again.
  11. Could you add an option for sand crabs to just stand in one place? It seems very un-natural that I'm moving around to aggro crabs on the lowest aggression settings and highest afk settings to mimic how I normally play. Furthermore, when it does step away from my sand crab afk spot to aggro another crab it very rarely actually works.
  12. Oh I see. It looks like there isn't any food support (pure training) which makes the rock crabs feature unusable. Is this true or am I missing something?
  13. The script logs out every time I try to make it train on rock crabs. Is this supported yet? It said it was on the original post which is why I bought (for flexibility) but I am mostly going to use it for rock crabs.
  14. This script works really well. Thanks! It costs money going from 40 - 60 range, but after 60 range + max range bonus it becomes profitable by purchasing rune arrows. At 40 range it gets about 25k xp/hr, and at 60 it is getting 40k xp/hr. I'm interested to see how much profit is made off it once I get to 70, 80 range.
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