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Everything posted by Smg24

  1. And what he could have understood wrong? Client reconnects every 5 seconds, but problem is (=bug) that how much processing client does for it...
  2. Just wondering how you are going to deal with non-vip user opens multiple clients? Waiting for offline mode! It will big step forward for osbot client! (Are you going get even near making client lighter? It seems to be currently pretty heave for cpu)
  3. Smg24

    One Time Fee

    There's at least around 600 VIP's on OSBot who pay $9.99 p/m, I think making $6000 p/m is enough to support OSBot. This is just VIP's alone. Servers costs pretty much and there isn't just one guy doing all work for bot, so i think recurring payments are ok. Though prices could be bit lower
  4. 1# Walking dead 2# Sons of anarchy 3# Game of thrones 4# Dexter 5# Heroes 6# 24
  5. Why OSBOT is Awesome: Best 07rs bot and forum is growing My Favourite Mod/Forum Mod Is: I'm still pretty new at here so dunno I Prefer (Rap/Metal/Other): House & techno
  6. i would if i have 300posts
  7. Changes to get that ban appealed: 0% Have heard that anyone have gotten account unbanned? No, and they won't even admit if account wasn't botted at all and they made mistake
  8. Only thing which is keeping me not to preorder is ridiculous price... Waiting until price goes to reasonable. Waited for +100player games, but no...
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