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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Master00j

  1. order confirmed. almost finished edit: has been completed
  2. Hello, i need some workers check topic -->
  3. order confirmed payment received! started right away!
  4. Order confirmed started right away! will finish asap
  5. We are on this order atm! if you need something as this add my skype: drocgecacher
  6. hello, we can do this already got me on skype
  7. order confirmed and already on it. received 40% of payment
  8. Order confirmed, payment received. Will be done asap. Thnx!
  9. Master00j


    i got this order!
  10. Master00j


    hello, can do this all skype: drocgecacher
  11. Can do this 60gp/xp also questing can be done skype: drocgecacher
  12. i can do this 8m 3-5hrs timeframe skype: drocgecacher
  13. can do this add skype: drocgecacher
  14. mining: 40gp/xp agility: 55gp/xp thief: 35gp/xp
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