100.305.416,00 for Prayer
378.822.480,00 for Mining
you can check prices cia my calculator --> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16o5z5Tnp5bc0Ee9as03x6OUQexAaSAf-Zos4K2B3KVc/edit?usp=drivesdk
discord: https://discord.gg/eSuqFb
Past accounts (if you know of any) @politje
Current account: https://osbot.org/forum/profile/290308-monkley/
Reasoning: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/121739-account-recovered-politje/?tab=comments#comment-1382906
Monkley says they are brothers.
But got lots of evidence that the both acc's are the same person
conversations are in dutch so i translated everything to english also added the original screens.
discord conversation with Monkley:
proof that politje skype-name is Monkley:
feel free to check my prices: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16o5z5Tnp5bc0Ee9as03x6OUQexAaSAf-Zos4K2B3KVc/edit?usp=drivesdk
discord: https://discord.gg/9PrKfJ
when uploading my thread image i got always a grey border like this --> http://prntscr.com/ku3hz5
is there any solution to fix it? i don't have it on the other forum where i've upload it to.
Edit: seems to be something within the admin panel.
If you want to change or get rid of the border from Attached Images in IPS 4...do thisOpen your Theme - CSS - Core - Global - Framework - misc.cssLook for these lines...and change border to 0px/* ======================================================== *//* IMAGES & THUMBNAILS */.ipsImage {max-width: 100%; /* makes them responsive */height: auto;}.ipsImage_thumbnailed {border: 1px solid #E2E2E2;padding: 1px;}/* A resized image */.ipsThumb {border: 1px solid #E2E2E2;