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About hobo234

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  1. When saving a config with a negative value (ie: 874, -1000) SF will save the negative value as an integer (-1000). Example: This line is correct [0, Configs, isSet. {false}, 2:874, 2:-1000] When saved in SF, it converts it to: [0, Configs, isSet. {false}, 2:874, 1:-1000]
  2. I think we could benefit from having a way to store the position of a hint arrow. We currently have "walk to hint arrow" but if there are objects in the way that webwalker is not compatible with, then we cannot traverse to the object. I'm thinking about it for situations like Agility Arena where a hint arrow exists but there are obstacles in the way to the object. Storing a position of the hint arrow would allow us to make methods for traversing towards and keeping track of the current position the hint arrow is at. If there are other methods or a better implementation for this scenario, please post your ideas
  3. I don't mean to double post, but I would love to get a trial and try this out before I purchase. Thanks!
  4. This looks great! Could I get a trial please?
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