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Posts posted by Light

  1. hmm add the goblin npc locally not from npc name but from npc nearby, does the script still stop? I will test stronghold goblins right now

    Could you fix minotaurs aswell? it was same behaviors there aswell

    • Like 1
  2. Which error logs, error pathfinding or what ohmy.png

    I have no clue... it just wouldn't start. 

    Also stronghold security is messy, I put goblins as NPC and bank when no food to varrock bank with teleport. The script ended up terminate itself and my account was south of edge yew trees.

  3. Update v110


    - Fixed rock/sand crabs, including ranging and mage mode

    - Fixed stronghold of security doors, restored back to normal

    - Added a base for dynamic siggies (highscores system) for all users

    - Added cannon mode (beta!)


    update will be live within 24 hrs, thanks for all your support everyone and good luck wink.png gratz on 99 str too ^^ biggrin.png

    I don't seem to find the cannon mode in v 110

    • Like 1
  4. I mostly use https://waveride.at/plans very good provider, and cheap.

    You'll be able to run 7 osbuddy clients on the 20euro plan.


    Good luck.


    1. Price? 20euro
    2. Can it run at least 7 osbuddy clients? Yes
    3. Would I be able to run it through TightVNC Viewer? Yes
    4. Could I customize the resolution to what I would want? Not sure, however you should be able to.
  5. Should be low for the script atm as it has the brand new timed event based antiban, and very few users. However I completely agree that you should not use it on your main hence understand your decision. Thanks for stopping by! smile.png

    hello trial has never showed up

  6. What is the bug with task manager, is the setup not launching at all or what ohmy.png


    As for magic I will add a quick update ^^ biggrin.png

    For example the acc was 8 atk and 11 str, I set the desierd lvl 50/50/1 and 5 lvl between each stat. Few hours later, it was 43/11/1.

    Also add safe spotting for magic based. How does death walking work?


    • Could you add the dungeon "Small tower just north of Ardougne, with a Blood rune chest inside" Also requires 46 thieving.


    How does the experiments work? Could it be more customizable? Like which areas it should go to? Does it still attack the lvl 51s?

    • Like 1
  7. Ofcourse! smile.png






    To all:


    My new computer arrived the other day and i'm in the process of moving all my files over and setting everything up. This includes my script setup which I've yet to migrate (using a memory stick which should hopefully arrive through the post tomorrow). As a result i'll be pretty much unable to make any changes for the next day or two, but after that here is what I will be working on:


    • Will investigate camping in the eastern area
    • Will take a look at food eating thresholds; and adding additional death-preventing failsafes
    • Will add bone bolts to the ammo list (let me know if you want any others!)



    Didn't get trial, even liked the topic.

  8. Also the script is trying to equip a adamant scimitar when it's trying to do waterfall quest, on a lvl 3 acc.


    Nvm it had something to do with gear edit.

  9. What bugs?

    You know that waterfall starting quest? when you go down the way towards dwarf place?


    It stood at the top of the hill trying to click on a tile that wasn't visible (it was black).

  10. Just recieved a perm ban, fresh acc, fresh ip.


    However I noticed few bugs when doing waterfall quest and dwarf cannon, which could be the reason for the ban.

  11. new scripts have low banrate, are you sure it wasn't a delayed ban from another script ohmy.png


    As for safespotting, I will add an update for fight bounds right now


    edit: refresh scripts, activated all trials gl everyone wink.png let me know how green dragons work ^^ biggrin.png

    And also, that it fights the closest npc

    • Like 1
  12. Safespotting works fell, but it missclicks the tile next the safespot all the time. Another thing, it choses the closest npc's at the beginning, however, after a while the choses NPC far away from the safespot. The fight bounds is a mess, barely works.

    • Like 1
  13. Update v1.07



    As for DMM anti-pk, should I make the bot run randomly away from a pker as soon as a pker (skulled) is found, or should I add a hotkey to set a custom tile to run to?


    Sounds amazing, as soon as pker is around. 


    For example, if you're safespotting NPC and skulled pker appears, it should tele (Teleport tab)? For walking, run to closest safeguarded bank.

    • Like 1
  14. [iNFO][bot #1][06/29 07:34:10 em]: java.lang.NullPointerException

    at b.b.a.NuL.C(sn:286)

    at b.b.a.NuL.C(sn:15)

    at b.cOn.onLoop(ej:279)

    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(tg:28)

    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)




    this error was being spammed after the account ran after npc from the safespot, stood next to the safespot doing nothing and that was being spammed in the logger.

    • Like 1
  15. The update isn't live yet man, the latest update is v1.04, but don't worry I made sure that the map works 100% flawless ^^ biggrin.png


    The update should be live within 3-4 hours max , just waiting on admins biggrin.png


    EDIT: Only the beginning of the draynor sewers map works, the rest is mapped wrong that's why, but it should be working fine in v1.04

    could u add "bones" to junk list if it's not in the list of items u want looted? my safespot is on a bones tile

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