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Posts posted by Light

  1.    1. Pictures of the account stats

        2. Pictures of the login details

        3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any)

        4. Pictures of the quests completed


    Some noteables, animal magnetism, pre-quests for MM, dragon slayer, quested attack, addy gloves(rfd)
        5. The price you will be starting bids at 

        6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account

        7. The methods of payment you are accepting

    rsgp if i don't deem u trustworthy, also I'm fine with paypal (from those I think is trusted)
        8. Your trading conditions

    not my responsibility whatever you do with the account after purchase.
        9. Pictures of the account status

       10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address

    You'll get the email, I'm OO.

  2. You should look up what kind of feedbacks they have, also be careful for people farming feedbacks.

    Stay away from small service users.



    Also use MM.

  3. 84 people dead, 50 children is extremely hurt.

    Damn, how is world gonna end?

    RIP sad.png



    This question lmao.

    Why? Because I'm from Europe and France is located in Europe. Simple as that. You're really dumb, silly question.


    How is my question silly and you call me dumb lol? You mention the world, by world you mean every human on this planet. Then you only care about people in Europe? emote32342.png  


    Lmfao you're funny dude

    I have never said that, although I don't feel that I need to highlight etc deaths in Syria since it happends everyday


    People die in Syria everyday, why not highlight that? 




    I'll just drop it, as it's pointless arguing with you. You can live and care about your isolated world "Europe", non of my business.

    However I feel bad about the victims in France.

  4. The free script promotion is no longer possible since the auth system has been changed, (trial limit of 10 users per script) and the script trial system was used to give 9999 hour trials, after the 10th trial, the script would not be activated sad.png I can give up to 1 month trials though, I think biggrin.png


    As for trial, good luck wink.png

    Not the right place to mention this, however I have two of your scripts. Could I have the magic script for one month?



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  5. That's not true, not for me atleast. It's not "whatever", we're talking about people who dies because of probably relatedcISIS-person.

    How do you know it's an IS tied person? It was a french-tunisian person and who could have been mentally sick or probably have had terrorist motivations.

    honestly how much have you thought about the orlando shooting after it wasnt in the news anymore

    Or the terrorist attack in Turkey?

  6. you (along with anyone else who liked the trial overnight) should now have a 24h auth! smile.png


    (Computer shut off for updates overnight so authing software failed. sorry about that!)



    Hey, I'm not sure if you already have this. Could you add two potions support? For example; attack and strength potions, and x amount of each.

  7. I don't like how you're "afking" sand crabs and the bot still clicks to attack the npc's that are already aggro on you. Could you please change that? Would be best with less click interactions, only things it should be doing; Afk and refresh if the sand crabs unaggro.

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