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Posts posted by Light

  1. I think there is nothing after life and is just like having dreamless sleep, just blank

    you seem to have big hopes then, mind aswell end the life right now and get rid of the pain and misery in life.

  2. LmaoΒ emote32342.pngΒ emote32342.png

    All of you complaining about a phone being too expensive?

    I spent around 800$ on my iPhone 6 and I'm still happy af too have it.


    m9 it's embarassing af to go around with an old phone, the lag omg.... don't even speak about old phones with lag

  3. Yea you're right; this doesn't look right! - i'm not sure why though. Does it fix when restarting the script/bot? because the exp trackers seem to be working okay for me right now!

    Could you add, attacking option if you get crashed on camp mode?

  4. isnt there a bot that does this? why not just buy the bot

    Because botting leads to a ban, and he probably doesn't want to risk that on his account.



    I can do this for 5.6m, if you do like.

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  5. When using "find lectern" and it finds eagle lectern it goes to portal and then goes out of the portal and back in (loop). I had to manually click "eagle lectern" for it to work, could you fix?

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