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Everything posted by Grab40sNuts

  1. I don't have that problem, i can run this script for HOURS, and wont have any problems. ALTHOUGH, when then script tries to go through the doors in the stronghold, the bot repeats itself when the door asks the questions. 99.99% of people would know the right answer, but somehow the bot doesn't? It gets answers wrong 2-3 times before being able to walk thru the door. seems kind of bot like to me, but otherwise the bot is decent. More Human-Like is being able to keep your guy/girl moving in the game. It stops at random places while walking to the bank. Just about every time it goes into the bank it stops. and waits a few seconds to click 'Bank'. To ME that seems kinda bot like. IDK that could very well just be me.
  2. Hey, i bought your script recently and i LIKE it, i wouldn't say i love it but heres a bug or something that i've noticed. When you have,"Eat at what hp?" i'll put 10, and it'll eat randomly, like at 3hp at 13, 7, why is that? ive died bc of this, i watch my bots to see how they are. could you please fix, and another thing, when i have loot enabled, it'll pickup bones even though they arent in my loot list? why is that?
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