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Trade With Caution
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About clawton43

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  1. Nope just got banned without botting on osbot client
  2. I wonder if suicide botting will ever be a thing again
  3. For barbarian assult willows it cuts 10 logs then starts walking to idk where the fuck its going it walks to like dwarven mines or something
  4. clawton43

    Stealth Quester

    After burning the food on ofd orge the quest got stuck Great script 62 qp already
  5. clawton43

    Stealth Quester

    Nope was my mistake I set the timer for bots for 60 minutes then stop which is a drag now I have to finish 8 quest myself lol sorry
  6. clawton43

    Stealth Quester

    Sometimes the script gets stuck and logs out during members quest I can't remember all of them but during Gertrudes cat The golem RFD Dwarf Ele shield 1 ele shield 2 fight arena tribal totem and hazeel cult the bot got stuck during the middle of the quest logged out and I had to finish it myself
  7. clawton43

    Stealth Quester

    Ops thanks for posting requirements
  8. clawton43

    Stealth Quester

    Just curious how long does it take for the script to do RFD and should I do it in multiple sessions
  9. Because you'd be surprised the profit to ban ratio a botting website would have its considered "good for business"
  10. Then what is nobody seems to want to tell me if it was impossible to get away with botting this forum wouldn't exist
  11. It doesn't let me set the randomization like in the tutorial
  12. Okay so it is near the break time you set but never exactly the same?
  13. What does this function do I set to bot for 60 minutes then take a 10 minute break and it does just that by checking randomized bot/break shouldn't the break time and bot time be different so rs can't be like hmmm this account gets off at exactly every hour for exactly 10 minutes for the past 6 hours
  14. clawton43

    Stealth Quester

    So its not working for anybody correct?
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