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  1. i always thought it was 50%, you know get banned or no.
  2. Alright. I'll Ask this - is goldfarming still works?
  3. So what's the current ban rate for suicide botting? Is it still twice a day (morning + early evening) + sometimes some random times in between and more or less easier on the weekend (maybe 1 - 2 ban waves in 3 day span)? Or is it somehow different now?
  4. You can try Explv's Osbot manager for multiple tasks in a row.
  5. This man has it on point. If I would have some background in IT, I probably would continue to push, but at this point it just seemed too much and reward for me didn't seem large enough.
  6. Yeah, I guess that's how it works Supply chain / logistics management, I have an engineers degree in transportation engineering. Yes, I've tested loads of scripts around here to find the methods, etc. But my aim was to make real life money not just in-game currency for my accounts. Juggles shopper script was quite good, bought threads and needles in Rimmington. Made around 35 - 45k /hr back in January. If you bot not too much, you could probably stretch out for a few days before being banned.
  7. Yeah, I thought about continuing to learn, but another thing that doesn't appeal to me is the fact that Jagex will eventually get on your ass big time (the window is still open, but it's getting smaller each day) and the game dies itself, just look at the gold prices. Well, I'm quitting botting not forums
  8. I already worked part time in my field for 18 months while studying (quit in November). It was a mess, but I believe that was because of the size of the corporation. You are just a tiny cog in a large machine that will move on no matter what you do (I gave up on trying and just started to kill time, because I realised that no one in my department (or other too) really got any benefits of suggesting implementations, etc. Just a pat on their back and 'get back to work, you good for nothing scrub' attitude. While it was politically correct and tried to make you feel like home it had cold and unapealling image, imho).
  9. Hello! So I've been a lurker here for about a year and avid user for about 6 months. Originally I came here for one reason only - start a farm to make passive income (thought this was a great idea at the time). Little did I know it actually is more complex than imagined. Especially for someone like me that has no IT background, is basically a normie with computer related tools and my only leg-up in botting was the fact that I've played Runescape for almost 12 years... Feel free to read through my journey. So the first attempt was P2P farm with 6 - 12 accounts, premium / private scripts with no muling whatsoever, so I did everything manually (took me a few hours / day, but I was okay with that because I was making money after all). I started with Khal's tabmaker (great script) and 6 accounts (vps and proxies from Proxyfish). This was early February. I averaged about 10 - 15 M in profits each day. Not bad. Eventhough I had some ideas about other scripts (Achey tree shopper, Impling Jar exchanger), I bought the private scripts from Juggles and EagleScripts, I soon found out that these methods are hard to scale and bot massively, eventhough on one - two accounts you could make more than 300k / hr with quite low requirements. The time passed and I got more hungry - I opened another tele tab farm for 6 more accounts. Now I was averaging around 25 - 30 M / day in profits. Unfortunately, the method crashed pretty bad at one point and I had to make adjustments. I switched to Oak Planks with Butler. This was a killer. I bought a private script from EagleScripts (great dude, recommend, btw). 3000 planks / hr and I had 12 accounts running. If I remember correctly, each account made close to 400 k / hr. Also, my accounts didn't experience a lot of bans, I got banned maybe two times a week, which made this method SUPER lucrative for the time being. For about a week or two I made around 50 - 60 M in profits each day. Crazy to think about............. ......... Untill my mule was banned with close to 250 M worth of items on it. Eventhough it was crushing, I had still made some money and was quite happy about it. Decided to take a break, finish my bachelor thesis, etc. I cancelled all proxies and both vps from proxyfish. I decided to come back in a few weeks / month to restart my p2p farm. So I did. Unfortunately, I had no idea that Proxyfish proxies are flagged and I lost a ton of money there (what surprised me the most was the fact that I hadn't experienced it during my first botting attempt). I think I lost, close to 100 M in a week because of unscheduled bans outside normal bantimes (automatic bans, I believe). I believe that those were the proxies, that got me banned then. I felt quite bad, because I had actually bought gold (something I've never ever done before in 12 years of playing Runescape) to re-start the farm. After this negative experience I decided that p2p botting is way too expensive and I need to do something that does not require so much money straight away. F2P botting! Genious! However, to be profitable in f2p, you have to run it on a mass scale. That meant I needed a method that will not crush the market, I needed stable muling implemented, 7 qp scripts (potters 7qp script seemed to be buggy for me from time to time on low CPU, no disrespect though) and a strong VPS. No disrespect to private scripters here, but I felt like that will take WAY too much money out of my pocket than I wanted to (actually a 7qp'er was offered to me for 50 - 60 M). So what could I do? Learn how to write my own scripts. With no previouse knowledge in ANY programming language, yeah... So that's what I started - googled, learned from codeacademy, asked retarded questions on forums and in chatbox, browsed scripting help section like a madman for about a month and mostly 10+ hrs a day. End result - a few functioning scripts that are capeable of making money on a mass scale (thanks to nosepicker & Apaec, both helped me out BIG time with scripts) with muling implemented. Code probably is a disaster in most cases, but it works. And that's what matters. So scripts part being kind of settled I needed a VPS. I had no idea what Linux is (just knew that it is an operating system that eats less resources than others and therefore is suitable for botting on a mass scale), and still I am quite an impotent in Linux, thanks to nosepicker for reaching out and setting up my Contabo plan and explaining me how stuff works, how PuTTY works, VNC, console, basic commands, etc. Now with everything ready I started farming different methods (Jugs of water, soft clay making, oaks, regular trees). My VPS could run 25 bots at once and it seemed to be doing fine. I used CLI script to launch my clients (I made a great Excel spreadsheet where you have to import account details in sheet 1, then you go to the sheet you need (each script has specific sheet) and there is ready to use CLI script (with all the commands set up). All you have to do from there is just copy sheet info in notepad, save it, put it on VPS and hit go). I was buying tutorial ready accounts from Antonio Kala, Lewis and Deciever. So I started running my farm. After a few days of running I started doing the calculations to find out how profitable everything is, so here I welcome you into my accounting stuff: Expenses: 1. 100% SSD VPS plan from Contabo (27 EUR / month) 2. 5 Proxies (~ 19 EUR / month) - I know, using proxies for suicide botting is probably not a good idea and is a waste of money, but without them I had some issues getting my accounts in one world to mule propertly (they usually were spread around different worlds for more efficient labour *pst* tree cutting *pst*). 3. VIP from Osbot (10 EUR / month) In total that means ~ 56 EUR / month for a farm to run. And income: I ran bots from around 3 PM Jagex time to 7 AM Jagex time. So that is around 16 hours / day. However, of those 16 hours about 2 are spent preparing (7 qp, muling, perhaps some leveling, for instance, Oaks). So they run for about 14 hours of productive work each day. Since I bought my accounts and didn't make them on my own, they had to cover their expenses too (average of around 100k / account). Most of the methods I used were around ~ 18k / hr (jugs crashed a lot and still are pretty bad (stopped that), clay crashed pretty fast too (stopped that), regular logs (market didn't have the demand, so I saw that I will crash the market inevitably anyway), decided to stick with good ol' oaks (that are crashing as we speak)). So that is around 6 hours of work to make the money back and cover account expenses = 8 hours of productive work. 8 hours of productive work = ~ 130k in profits from each account. So I had 25 accounts on my farm, so that means I make around 25 * 130 = 3.25 M / day in profits. Assuming that after covering fees on payments, etc. I get around 0.70 EUR / M (that's around 0.85 - 0.9 $ / M), I make around 2.27 EUR / day. In 30 days (month) I would make around 68 EUR. Deducting all the expenses it would be around 10 - 15 EUR profit / month (probably a little more, becasue I usually take lower estimates in all 'money involved' calculations to not be too optimistic). Well, I don't live in a 3rd world country, so 15 EUR / month is pretty close to nothing. Here you could probably have lunch each day for 3 days straight for that money. If you've made it this far - I think you know where I am going with this. Basically I understood that to make money I need to either find more profitable methods (thought about lobsters which is around 20 - 25k hour, but still quite meh, it would make me around extra 30 EUR / month, but there is no guarantee that market would accept them, heck, check out the GE graphs... They have been going down for months now) or lessen the expenses (I tried running everything without proxies, but it was buggy as I described above and it would still me save only 20 EUR / month) or create my own accounts (this means around extra 100k / day per account and equals to extra 2.5 M/ day for farm and around 50 EUR / month). Bascially I realised that I need to at least make my own accounts (sorry account providers, you are doing a great job, but this isn't working for me). So, in all true Java fashion I concluded that: If (you.haveKnowledge || you.haveSpareMoney){ youCanSupplyYourselfWithUnlimitedAccounts; } Since I don't want to spend any more money on this project and while I did enjoy learning Java (probably because of the purpose), I believe to pull of something like an account creating system would require WAY more skill and knowledge than I currently have and will require me to become an either full-time programmer or part-time one. And that is not something that I am ready for right now in my life, because I believe with programming my interest would probably not go any further than this project because it was a goal of mine for some time now. I'm glad that I tried, but dissapointed that I tried too late and I knew too little to pull it off... So, to conclude I would like to say thanks to those who helped me in my attempt (in no particular order, without '@' because I don't think this topic is that important to the community, more just my thoughts / experience): 1. nosepicker (Great guy, can help you with almost everything you need to run a farm. Super friendly and had a great connection with him (probably because we come from the same region)). 2. Apaec (One of the best scripters out here, without diregarding any others, this guy is just a great helper with scripts!). 3. ExpLv (Haven't really talked to him, but I've used his tutorials a lot and they really helped me in the beginning to understand what is what in Osbot API). 4. Juggles (Wrote me my first private script, also sold me bunch of oak logs while I was farming planks). 5. Deciever, Antonio Kala, Lewis (Tutorial account suppliers, thank you!). Finally: Alek and the OsBot team (without you this wouldn't even be possible, and let's face it - because of you most people around here are making REAL money off of a FREAKING VIDEO GAME that wasn't even created by them). P.S. Would really appreciate if you could take a look at CLI loading for mass clients. After .128 version CLI has been pretty buggy when loading multiple (15+) clients and doesn't start for 5 minutes (downloads injection, etc.)... :P What's the next for me? Well, I graduated from university a week ago, so I guess I'll look for a 9 - 5 in that field come autumn. Also, I haven't given up on my goal to make revenue online, so I still have fields to explore. As for my farm - I still have a couple accounts left, so I will run them to halt and sell any money I've made there. P.S. If anyone is interested in my scripts, I am willing to sell source codes for a symbolic price (PM to discuss) for the following ones: 1. 7 QP (Cook's Assistant and Sheep Shearer needs some work to polish up the mechanics, but Romeo is pretty close to flawless (on rare ocasions struggles to find the bastard, if he has went in the general store)). 2. 15 WC script (Gets 15 woodcutting in various areas (I can give out some of those, because I have modifications for 5 in total) around Varrock with bronze axe, then sells logs to GE and buys steel, mithril, adamant axes, banks them and logs out. 7 QP is required to start the script, otherwise it won't start. Other than that - damn near perfection, arguably my best script). 3. Oak chopper (Two variations for North of Champions guild and one for east from dark wizards with yew tree. Uses steel, mithril and adamant axes, after 41 woodcutting goes to bank, takes out some oaks, sells them in ge and buys rune axe (this part needs work, but most of the time it gets the job done, if it doesn't, it repeats itself untill it does), after 60 woodcutting goes to Rimmington yews and chops there + banks in Falador. Muling supported - on a command in clanchat it will go to bank, take out logs, hop to specific world, trade with mule, give the logs over. However, get's stuck in loop if the command is reportedly spammed in the chat and therefore will not be able to return back to work (after muling items over) without being restarted completely). 4. Mule OFF script (joins clanchat, spams a certain command, waits when being traded, accepts the trades). 5. Mule ON script (stands in one place, with certain items in inventory, when traded gives certain amount of items to other account (quite risky if other players trade with you, but what are the odds...). I used this to give empty jugs and clay to my bots. Needs some work though). I wish you all the best, probably will lurk here from time to time (to get my daily dose of autism in spam section) to see how botting has been working out for you, but will not be a regular anymore!
  10. Related to this topic is also my issue. Do you have any ideas how I could bypass 'log in limit exceed from your address' error when logging in runescape? Currently my bots are located in different worlds, but when mule calls them they hop to mules world and trade over what they have made. I don't use proxies (cutting down on them expenses) and that seems to be the problem because some bots get kicked out of the game and can't get back in because of the connection limit. I have one mule on 20 - 30 accounts though. Any known bypasses?
  11. Willing to pay for solutions to this problem
  12. I'm trying every single gypsy method I know. Even tried splitting my bash script into 3, because maybe size of it slows it down (don't really believe that, but eh). A little improvement, but not much. I have 100% SSD Contabo Plan. In past I ran between 25 and 30 clients at the same Time starting them this same way - shell script with CLI information. Perhaps new OsBot version is the cause...? P.S. I'm willing to pay monies if anyone Can provide ne with working solution.
  13. Could this be an issue related to proxys?
  14. Can't seem to open the application at all on windows 8, 64 bit. No reaction from it. I am pretty dumb with computers, so please be gentle. EDIT: Got it going on my Ubuntu virtualmachine, but it seems I'm missing JavaFX on windows. Not a priority, but would like to get it going on my windows pc too... Anyone has recommendations? EDIT2: Can't seem to find local scripts. Yes, they are in Osbot/scripts folder.
  15. So I am starting around 20 - 30 clients on my virtual machine, but after like 15 the rest begin to start very slowly and don't manage to start the script right away. It takes the client around 5 minutes to load just the log in screen, and then I have to manually start the script. After that it is fine. What could cause this? How could I improve it? I do have 'sleeps' set between client loading in my CLI launch file. Those start at 30 seconds and go higher each client, with the last one being 120 seconds.
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