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  1. java.lang.RuntimeException: Read timeout at client.nat.stream.Stream.m18(Native Method) at client.Gi.getNodes(Unknown Source) at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.NodeContainerUtilities.findNodeByHash(gj:177) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Inventory.getItems(po:252) at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.ItemContainer.filter(ci:252) at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.ItemContainer.getItem(ci:265) at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.ItemContainer.getSlot(ci:46) at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.ItemContainer.contains(ci:231) at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.ItemContainer.contains(ci:268) Also seems to randomly freeze up if a lot of players are on screen
  2. When teleporting around a lot of players, client very often gets stuck with Loading - please wait at the top left.
  3. doesnt seem to work with clicking/mouse moving. I set it down to 250ms and it still drops very slowly.
  4. ya. using mirror mode. there no way to speed up mirror mode?
  5. It takes a long time to drop items out of the inventory. It takes around 45 seconds for a full dropped inventory. Even writing my own dropping method with Mouse and inventory slots, it looks like the mouse waits a very long time to path before clicking. Is there some other method to make it move+click faster?
  6. Thx. Is it possible for you to make it alch off cooldown instead of right before an obstacle? People alch while running between instead of stopping to alch. Also it pauses to wait for a successful high alch before proceeding which is weird. Feels super sus
  7. hi. can I have a trial. want to see how human-like it performs. do you have any "mini afk"'s built in to simulate walking away from the game for a couple minutes?
  8. Would jag ban you from just using the osbot client without loading any scripts? I want to write a few scripts to supplement my usual routine. Does anyone know the likelihood of detection using well made custom scripts?
  9. How exactly do injection/reflection bots prevent detection? Can jagex ask your client to send a list of all your loaded classes and they determine which ones aren't part of their client? Obviously the existence of runelite/osbuddy causes problems for it, but it seems simple enough to do a check to see if anyone has changed a field's visibility and flag them.
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