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Everything posted by daweed

  1. its for me to buy , if u want to buy , get ur own thread
  2. Amount needed : 75m-100m Price : Please quote and drop down here Payment method: PP, Skrill, BTC (depends as BTC ATM machine is kinda far from my place) THANKS !
  3. Well you wanted me to do the service asap , therefore I stayed up the whole night and did my service for you, plus i never forced you for tips, i just said Tips are welcome Who knows you girlfriend was using auto clicker or ghost mouse, that can make the account banned too, doesnt it. Plus True I did go aggressive, Firstly because you crossed the limit mate, i told you to stop accusing me several times but yet you continued. Do you really think I will be all cool and let you brag and shit. No way dude that aint possible at all. Your account gets banned in less than 6 hours that aint my problem at all. It can be your so-called girlfriend or even you botting that castle war tickets and then giving me the account to quest on and put the blame on me that i made the account banned???? Plus also Mirror Mode requires VIP or Above to use and I have been a grey users for several months so dont pin point that those screenshots are from mirror botting as thats just ridiculous.
  4. Black knight fortress dragon slayer knights sword misthalin mystery pirates treasure prince ali rescue romeo juliet sheep sheareer witch potion please post prices below thanks In case of privacy, you can pm me or skype
  5. [removed] here you go bro
  6. Hello, Yes I did service on his account. At first, he ordered 3 quests to be done which was Temple of Ikov, Tourist Trap, Desert Treasure. I finished the first 2 quest but was unable to do Desert Treasure as the Stats needed for it: 10 slayer and 50 firemaking weren't achieved so I messaged him and told him about it. He said if i can do it and he will pay , i said yes i can and told him the price. Did everything and slept almost around 7 in the morning. Besides that thanks to Konduit client i got all the screenshots of the account. Can a mod pass me his skype so i can send him the files as its 10 MB and the max total size over here is 0.49MB thanks. Also Can you please tell Grizzy to upload the evidence of the account being banned , thanks
  7. home now ;) skyped dard, waiting for his reply so i could trade him the gold
  8. Managed to get gold from a friend of mine for time-being , I will be home in 7-8 hours and then we will do the trade
  9. I have just asked for stock and price, never even went to purchase it?
  10. I never said I have money to buy gold now, I said once I get my payroll I will buy gold on which I will be paying back Dard and also buying an account. I am not refusing to repay him or prioritising the account purchase, It's just a matter of 3 more days so I don't know why a hurry.
  11. well yes I am trying to buy gold once I get my payroll since I got to pay Dard and another friend of mine and also gotta buy an account
  12. 5th of June mate As I live in Hong Kong, theres no weekly payments Salary comes Monthly at the 1st week of it
  13. I will pay the debt Just waiting for my paycheck to come Patience is the key to success
  14. can do for 125m or we can negotiate price if you may like Supplies needed: energy potions mate skype in sig so let me know
  15. daweed

    Need full void

    Check your inbox or hit me up on skype
  17. yes the mail will be provided too wit it or u can add your own
  18. STATS : https://gyazo.com/042dbceb0d7f7b0b0db3b707b486c3ac Quest : restless ghost rune mysteries vampire slayer dwarf cannon lost city tree gnome village waterfall quest please tell how much is the account is worth anyone wanna buy please do pm me
  19. added you to skype Lets discuss the details over there
  20. well makes me focus more :P
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