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Everything posted by danieljvdm

  1. Find the color that most represents what child you want, then record the p (parent) and c (child).
  2. Would you guys say that this is the best way to do it?while(client.getMyPlayer().isFacing(theNPC) && client.getMyPlayer().isUnderAttack())?Cause it only seems to start working after a few seconds of combat.
  3. This. I have the income to easily afford it, but I make it a point to not just buy things... and subscriptions really are the worst. I'm just saying that a subscription to OSBOT doesn't really rank near the other subscriptions that I'm paying for, and it's hard to justify. I'm not gonna spend $10 a month just because I have the money.
  4. Well obviously and I'm sure they do, but what I'm saying is not every developer is an official one. The only way to become an official one is to produce high quality scripts, and when you don't have access to more than one tab, that's extremely hard to do... catch 22...
  5. I think that everyone should get 2 tabs, and then have paid tiers that allow you to get more. Most people have two accounts, and should be allowed to bot with these, imo. If people want to gold farm, or level up a massive amount of bots, they need to pay. To be honest, though, my main qualm is scripting. The official script writers are fine, but for someone like me, it's a massive pain to have to stop another script I might have running to test another one of my scripts, especially when the other script I'm running is usually another instance of one of my scripts that I'm trying to test over a period of time. It really hinders third party developers' ability to develop for the community (all my scripts are free to use).
  6. Gonna edit this post into a petition then, let me know if you wanna sign your name.
  7. I did remember reading that free would have 2. But regardless, if we have, say, a pure and main, we're already paying Jagex ~$16 a month on accounts, and then OSbot expects us to pay $10 more on that. That's about $25 a month for an online game... I have plenty of money to be able to pay for it, but it's just extremely hard to justify. I don't care about all the other benefits, I'd just like another tab. Perhaps a $20 one time fee or a smaller, perhaps $2/mo, fee is a better idea. I want to pay back the developers for the work they've done, and I will, but not through a $10/mo fee... That's more than my Spotify or Hulu subscriptions, which I'd rank as far more important than Runescape...
  8. Title really says it. I'd love to have two tabs for scripting reasons, but paying $10 a month is simply ridiculous for 2 tabs... also I read somewhere that free users get max 2. Turning this into a petition to allow active, free users to have a maximum of two tabs. Say in the forum if you want to sign your name. Ultimately, we cannot force any owners into doing this, but we can at least convey the community support for it. Thanks. Petition: danieljvdm Runescaper
  9. Wait what? I don't know how to explain the simplest form of code... depositAll() is in the Bank class in the API... you should know where the API is... in order to access the bank class, you have to "get" it through the getBank method, which is in the client class. Everything you need is in the API, no fancy coding going on here...
  10. private Rectangle getShopItemBounds(int itemId) { int slot = -1; for (int i = 0; i < client.getInterface(300).getChild(75).getInv().length; i++) { if (client.getInterface(300).getChild(75).getInv()[i] - 2 == itemId) { slot = i + 1; break; } } if (slot == -1) { return null; } int row = (int) Math.ceil((slot / 8.0) - 1); int column = slot > 8 ? slot - (row * 8) : slot; column--; int x = 80 + (column * 16) + (column * 31); int y = 69 + (row * 16) + (row * 31); return new Rectangle(x, y, 31, 31); } /** * Buys an item from the shop. * @param Item the item. * @throws InterruptedException if another thread has interrupted the current thread. */ private void buyShopItem(Item item) throws InterruptedException { Rectangle itemBounds = getShopItemBounds(item.getId()); RectangleDestination destination = new RectangleDestination(itemBounds); selectOption(null, destination, "Buy 10", false); sleep(100); selectOption(null, destination, "Buy 10", false); sleep(100); selectOption(null, destination, "Buy 10", false); }
  11. It's not currently in the API...
  12. ^ This. I feel like it's missing in the API, but I couldn't find the method to move mouse to coordinates either... ideas?
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