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  1. The script is working again thanks!
  2. I would like to notify you that the tanner fucntion doesn't work anymore, when I start the in in Al-kharid the bot walks to the bank and loggs out. Would you be so kind to take a look and see whats wrong? I have this problem for 2 days now. Thanks
  3. Best programmer the looting option from blue dragons doesnt work would be so kind to check this out for me? kind regarts Snakefyah
  4. Is that correct that Wilderness agility doesnt work correctly? My character doesnt wanna move in this course
  5. Why does the bot let me walk to bank instead of going to level char? this problem is like a week and I am currently attacking to level in al-kharid do you know what problem is? Or can I have a refund
  6. The script doenst work, it makes OSbot crash. I have this issue for 2 days now, does anyone else has technical problems?
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