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Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. looking for an acc with 50 quested attack, 50-60 str 50-60 range 60-70 mage looking to spend about 10-15m, post pictures and offers
  2. i have one, 1/60/1 would sell for 5m
  3. I have an account with 50 magic, but not the con level needed.
  4. i have one with 7 attack 60 str 6 def, and random stats, i'd sell for 5m
  5. I have one with 47 magic, and halo, no top, i'd sell for 20m
  6. I have a 1 attack 61 str 24 range acc would sell for 5m, PM me if interested
  7. I have jsut the acc you're looking for, 99 wc, 47 magic 27 hp 51 mining, PM me if you're interested! or add my skyper osb.etnies
  8. i have a 95 magic acc i got from anivia, has dt completed, 60 attack and verious skills would sell for 20m
  9. Etnies

    Request [Pure]

    I have an acc 94 magic 60 attack 63 range i'd sell for fairly cheap
  10. i have a 60 attack 63 range 94 magic account i have i'd sell
  11. I have an acc with 95 magic, only 1 def 60 att 33 str, Anivia is the original owner
  12. not interested, would be a much much better account if you were to have quested the prayer :P rekt that mauler
  13. I have a low level acc with 99 wc, has 43 magic though
  14. Oh, i'm not interested in that at all.
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