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Everything posted by Juggles

  1. Hi there's a default list on the main page as a well as a detailed explanation on each feature
  2. It should. You'd have to test it
  3. @Patrickmind adding slayer ring to webwalker?
  4. Request one by joining the discord
  5. Sorry to hear that. Were you botting in F2P? Also I see you're not VIP. Mirror mode has proven to be a lot safer
  6. It won't upgrade gear for you. Also some slayer mosnters can be tough for a level 3 to do. For example you'd be fighting lvls 20-50 on a lvl 3. Not a good idea. I would recommend starting with an acc around 20-30 cb using Turael slayer master. It will buy the supplies for the tasks, just start the script with 1 varrock teleport or at Edge bank
  7. Oh interesting never even heard of them. They must not have existed when we first made the script. I'll look into adding them in a future update. Thanks for letting me know
  8. I hope you know I make NO money off this script. Also we don't have a premium version so there's no money being made by this script. I made it to help VIP users especially ironmen who need to buy items from stores. Considering this script has thousands of users, I didn't want to ruin markets for people. Explain to me how this Ian greedy when again, I make no profit off of this script.
  9. V2.23- added Gargoyles off task
  10. Hi please read the guide on the thread for detailed instructions on every feature. https://gyazo.com/7721397b7cb2c01935e5949479eead9b
  11. @Scandalous Added in v2.22. When its uploaded, can you test it out for me? My acc doesnt have a DFS to test it
  12. Yeah will do. I'll make a checkbox in it Extras tab. Will put it in v2.22
  13. For prayer tasks, i disabled eat food to clear inv spot because else it will fill up on loot too fast and will bank every 5 minutes due to running out of food. People were complaining that it was eating food in inv for prayer tasks so i removed it for them. Regarding Abby demons, I'm adding a different area for them for when the user is off task. Thanks for letting me know
  14. Yes I changed it to 1 item only. Don't want to ruin the market for shop buyers so I limited it to 1. Else prices would crash on a lot of stores Between world hopping, i like to do 10-15 seconds. Usually does the trick. Try out differente values though to see what is best for you
  15. v2.20- Made some adjustments to the script. Fixed a few things and improved GE logic
  16. Some old proggies I found from users.
  17. v2.19- added prayer gear support GIF of all the features in the script https://i.gyazo.com/32575a24b5f78f73f29afee44c40e08a.mp4
  18. Some changes I made to the GUI gif.mp4
  19. NMz is good for range with blowpipe. Cannon is another expensive but fast method to train. the slow cheap method is using iron knives AFK at rock crabs
  20. Can you post in detail the logger+ paint + description of what is going on? I need details on what's happening for you so I can help you. There was one bug that was causing the script to freeze after certain tasks but it is fixed in v2.13. Waiting on osbot to approve it
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