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Everything posted by Juggles

  1. I dont see why the Slayer helm I would stop working since OSRS hasnt done an update in a week and it was working previously unless they changed the name of the item. Is it still Slayer helmet (i) My acc doesnt have it imbued so i am unable to check. If you check the slayer helmet (i) checkbox, the script should check if you're wearing it to check the task
  2. Hey so the potion logic is that it drinks it when stats return to normal. SCript will drop the empty vial as welll. For max profit I recommend using just (1) potions so that it can drop the empty vial and you won't have any profit loss. To use (1) potions, place them as the first of that's potion type in the bank Speed of script means 1= fast. 10=slow. After each interaction(click), it sleeps a certain amount of time before the next click. At 1 this would be very low so that it clicks almost instantly. At 10 it could wait up to like 1second between clicks other than that everything is running good for you now?
  3. No worries it happens to us all. Hope you have a good day today and let me know if you need anything else
  4. Pushed an update to save settings for potions
  5. Must be a setting wrong on your end because it's working for me + 100+ users. Send me a screenshot of your settings so i can review them.
  6. Breaks are completely handled by the client, the script has nothing to do with it. Can you send me a screen shot of your break settings?
  7. What do you mean? When it is about to break, it should go to the bank and wait
  8. Did you check the checkbox for slayer helm I?
  9. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/148321-guide-to-gold-farming-30/
  10. Hi thanks for the report! In v1.10, I added an option to bring a specific potion to increase kill time to better utilize the empty inv slots. I also changed it to deposit the inventory before withdrawing food. Also I changed it to drop sardine if the inventory is full and there are eggs on the floor. I would bring like 7 eggs per trip with you since you have not completed med ardougne diaries which would increase profits vastly since the eggs would stack. Let me know how v1.10 runs for you!
  11. Trial given. No safespot support currently.
  12. Hi did you happen to have coins in your inv?
  13. Can't hurt to do it. Either it works and it helps prevent bans. Or it doesnt work and you only wasted a few seconds
  14. What does logger and status say? im assuming you have the ring of wealth with auto pick up coins on?
  15. Hi

    1. Czar


      Greetings, fine sir!

  16. How's it running for everyone?
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