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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by bookbagging

  1. keeps giving me an error saying cannot install java? I save the file, open with java and it says " cannot install java " please help.. -.-
  2. Price checking this Great Account Thanks -bookbagging https://gyazo.com/0de537aa28a7abde29b7cfac4bd2ecea https://gyazo.com/252a6ad1a06284ec94b607ae2ee89be3
  3. Ill make more they are just so annoying to make.. As you can see I didn't add many things in this guide. When I get around to it ill add more to it/more guides.
  4. Hi, Welcome to my 70/70/70 Guide. Here I will be showing you how to make that type of account. Alternatively you can just train from 1-70 in each stat but that takes forever. Questing it would be much faster and easier on the person creating the account. Hope you enjoy my guide! For this guide you need to train your magic to 36 to defeat bosses for quests! This guide shows you where to train and what quests you need to complete to start training. This method is deemed faster and a more suitable of an account for the buyer to be satisfied with, Otherwise train your account 1-70. TO DO LIST Train your account to 36 Magic Complete All FTP quests Complete the Members quests Place to Train First do All Quests given Go to Security Stronghold in Barbarian Village Train on Giant spiders they are AFKable Do this until 70/70/70 Recommendations for Training 50 Def - Buy best gear for it Train to 60 attack for Dragon Scim Then train 60 Def - Buy best gear for it Train 50 Strength Train 70 Attack - Buy SS for faster training Train 60 Strength Train 70 Strength/Defence All in order! _________________ Free to play Quests - Total 39 Quest points - Stats needed to complete These quests - 15 mining - Novice Black Knights' Fortress - 3 Quest Points Novice Cook's Assistant - 1 Quest Point Novice Demon Slayer - 3 Quest Points Novice Doric's Quest - 1 Quest Point Experienced Dragon Slayer - 2 Quest Points Novice Ernest the Chicken - 4 Quest Points Novice Goblin Diplomacy - 5 Quest Points Novice Imp Catcher - 1 Quest Point Intermediate The Knight's Sword - 1 Quest Point Novice Pirate's Treasure - 2 Quest Points Novice Prince Ali Rescue - 3 Quest Points Novice The Restless Ghost - 1 Quest Point Novice Romeo & Juliet - 5 Quest Points Novice Rune Mysteries - 1 Quest Point Novice Sheep Shearer - 1 Quest Point Novice Shield of Arrav - 1 Quest Point Novice Vampire Slayer - 3 Quest Points Novice Witch's Potion - 1 Quest Point By completing all FTP Quests including Merlin's Crystal along with the Members Quests you will have enough Quest Points to do Dragon Slayer for some juicy defense xp! Quests for Attack - Need to be completed before you Train Attack! Xp - Quests 600 - In Search of the Myreque 25 Agility 1,000 - Mountain Daughter 20 Agility 2,000 - Fairy Tale I - Growing Pains 2,000 - In Aid of the Myreque 2,500 - Tai Bwo Wannai Trio ( 15 Agility 30 Cooking 5 Fishing ) 2,812 - The Fremennik Trials ( 25 Fletching 40 Woodcutting 40 Crafting ) 3,000 - Death Plateau 3,000 - Underground Pass ( 25 Ranged ) 3,075 - Heroes Quest ( 53 Cooking 53 Fishing 25 Herblore 50 Mining ) 4,825 - Vampire Slayer 11,450 - Tree Gnome Village 12,175 - Fight Arena 13,750 - Waterfall Quest 18,400 - The Grand Tree ( 25 Agility ) 20,000 - Knight Waves ( 45 Magic 65 Defence ) 20,000-35,000 - Monkey Madness Total Experience 117,587 Quests for Strength - Need to complete before you train Strength! Xp - Quests 600 - In Search of the Myreque 2,000 - In Aid of the Myreque 2,500 - Tai Bwo Wannai Trio 2,812 - The Fremennik Trials ( 25 Fletching 40 Woodcutting 40 Crafting ) 3,075 - Heroes Quest 4,000 - Troll Romance 4,662.5 - Horror from the Deep 6,625 - Scorpion Catcher 10,000 - Roving Elves 13,750 - Waterfall Quest 18,650 - Dragon Slayer 20,000 - Knight Waves 22,000 - Haunted Mine Total Experience 110,674 Quests for Defense - Need to complete before you train Defense! Xp - Quests 500 - A Soul's Bane 600 - In Search of the Myreque ( 25 Agility ) 2,000 - In Aid of the Myreque ( 25 Crafting 15 Mining 7 Magic ) 2,000 - Nature Spirit ( 18 Crafting ) 2,000 - What Lies Below ( 35 Runecrafting ) 2,812 - The Fremennik Trials ( 25 Fletching 40 Woodcutting 40 Crafting ) 3,075 - Heroes' Quest ( 53 Cooking 53 Fishing 25 Herblore 50 Mining ) 5,000 - Between a Rock...( 30 Defence 40 Mining 50 Smithing ) 12,000 - Olaf's Quest ( 40 Firemaking 50 Woodcutting ) 15,300 - Holy Grail ( 20 Attack ) 18,650 - Dragon Slayer ( 32 Quest Points 33 Magic ) 20,000 - Knight Waves ( 45 Magic 65 Defence ) 20,000-35,000 Monkey Madness 33,000 - King's Ransom (45 Magic 65 Defence ) Total Experience 116,937 ___________________ Please let me know if I'm missing anything or if something doesn't seem right, Thanks. Hope this helps everyone! And enjoy! -bookbagging ___________________ Sources: Zybez Wikia Other guides
  5. Trade limit 24 hour, Deaman read about it on wiki or forums.. Gambling. No one trusts gambling.
  6. why is the bird in a plastic food container.. a cheese cake should be in there instead.
  7. I wouldn't pay more than 3m for the account
  8. Dced about 5 times after logging in for 5 seconds
  9. Nmz always gets hit with the ban hammer. They also did have an update for nmz, don't know if they follow updates with a bot bust but you never know.
  10. The locations you bot in and a proxie wouldn't be to bad to get either, alternatively they are using breaks. and a private script.. hopefully.
  11. Title says it all Price checking 4 rs3 accounts. Account #1 https://gyazo.com/13c8cf5f59e8ffaf8b58af66ef96af15 Account #2 https://gyazo.com/a16617a6794ffba40983058fd584559f Account #3 https://gyazo.com/d9bd623083dc6a9fcc05ef53bd5b7b96 Account #4 https://gyazo.com/da56dfacab8b3fc5acd3b33d6900ec52 Valuables on account? - Misc. Items ( 1m or less ) Dragon axe
  12. my fav skill has to be fishing
  13. Yeah I wont be doing that. I have some fishing accounts I got from a previous botting session. Already hand made and ready to be botted on.
  14. I was considering starting botting again and I never used osbot bots before. Any helpful tips? or links to find more about osbot? - Sorry for being lazy and not looking myself for links Thanks - bookbagging
  15. paid 10m am now joined with services aio ;)
  16. arnt yew longs/magic longs still the best way to go? correct me if I'm wrong.
  17. True that, I wasn't even expecting 1m per account ^^
  18. I will! thanks Spike Best of luck to you as well. Wish you the best
  19. Hi I wanted to bot these fishing accounts I had for my gold farm but I really don't know if I want to get back into botting again. So I'm looking to sell these accounts when I get the requirements to do so. Fishing lvls are 50/50/51/51 So 4 accounts with 50-51 fishing. Would anyone buy these accounts? and if so for how much. Not looking to get rich on them just wanting to see what lvls/price people would want for these accounts. ( Did not include other stats such as combat skills/other random misc. stats acquired for the account to look "normal" ) Thanks - bookbagging
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