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Trade With Caution
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About xOx

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  1. No, im doing this because i'am outvoted here: http://www.strawpoll.me/11603843/r
  2. In my country its normal to beat and kill ours wifes. The womans dont have any powers. Come to my country, id like to kill you legal.
  3. Waiting fucking 2 weeks for this god damn deletion/ban of my account. There's no any response. So il provide the proof. btw, 1 spammer less.
  4. Waiting, to provide a proof to mald.
  5. xOx

    Hilary or Trump

    For fuck sake i dont care. You can hate me now, already 99.2% members on this forums hates me. I can just make list of these god damn guys that never ending. You can just be my next enemy(from your side), however i like every1 here. Im just happy i got the god damn leak who wins todays election.
  6. xOx

    Hilary or Trump

    Trump is reincarnation of Adolf Hitler Vote4Trump!
  7. Click here to start Vote
  8. xOx

    Il giovane papa

    Yeah, he is anti-christ. EP3: https://ph2dov.oloadcdn.net/dl/l/8ySvPjyGnavxv4vg/dbnnLsgB_m4/The.Young.Pope.S01E03.HDTV.x264-FLEET.mkv.mp4?mime=true
  9. xOx

    Il giovane papa

    its hbo series right now. Revolution, war, illuminati.
  10. This is subject not a services.
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