HI all, as the title said i'm providing pokemon boost service
Here are the price list :
-Heatran - $3 (Please provide raid passes) (Chance of Shiny)
Bundle pack - 10 Heatran for $25
Fast clear raid -$1.5 (Just clear raid and go)
-50 Slakoth (Slaking) Candies -$5
-50 Chansey (Blissey) Candies - $5
-50 Gible (Garchomp) Candies - $5
-50 Bagon (Salamence) Candies -$5
-50 Cranidos (Rampardos) Candies -$5
-50 Beldum (Metagross) Candies -$5
-50 Larvitar (Tyranitar) Candies -$5
-50 Dratini (Dragonite) Candies -$5
-50 Deino (Hydreigon) Candies -$5
-50 Litwick (Chandelure) Candies -$5
-50 Drilbur (Excadrill) Candies -$5
-50 Archen (Archeops) Candies -$5
-50 Axew (Haxorus) Candies - $7
-50 Tirtouga (Carracosta) Candies -$5
- Ditto - $7
NOTE : If you get shinies during farming candies, it is free for you
-Other pokemon candies service that are not listed is also available (Just ask me which candies you want)
- Catching 90%+ IV Pokemon list (Pm For Price and pokemon you want)
Example : Chansey , Slakoth , Dratini ,Machop ,etc
Available Shiny To Trade
If you wish to help catch any other raid bosses you can tell me which one to catch
Stardust service
-10000 (10k) stardust = $6
Add my discord : Fishy#6424 or worker elfmaster#7974 or pm me here
Payment : Paypal ONLY
-Powerlevel service is Hand-made
-Location is at Singapore
-If the account get banned during the powerlevel service, will compensate fully back