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  1. Im having some issues with the GE feature, the bot tries to enter the number of bars being sold into the price box and gets stuck in a loop trying to enter the quanity. If this would be fixed the bot would be flawless! Edit: Also had an issue with the offer price, tried to buy coal for 6 coins, therefore stopping the bot.
  2. I am running with a d-scim and it isnt buffing, do you need any screenshots or any other setup info?
  3. Thanks for the trial, ended up purchasing. However, I told it to take a super combat and it doesn't seem to be drinking it at all, not sure how it is supposed to work. Thanks
  4. Could I please have a trial of this? Want to test it before I purchase.
  5. I too have the issue with clicking the gangplank, manually rotating the camera fixes this.
  6. Purchased this today and noticed the GE feature was not functioning, will this be fixed soon? (Enters price over and over but does not submit offer)
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