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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Gellie

  1. Gym, meditate and get a gf. They all help with endorphins.

    married, already go to the gym, and I meditate as a go to sleep :P

    I don't have any advice to give but I hope for the best bro, sending you good vibes your way.

    much appreciated :D

  2. As someone who has openly admitted my own personal issues, and my wife also deals with depression (due to multiple reasons etc) we try to avoid stress at all costs. Whilst some days you can be up other days you can feel also very down it's always best to surround yourself around things that you like to actually do.

    If you like to play video games, find out what video games you like to play and concentrate on them - One thing I do to keep my mind off feeling down and so on, believe it or not I watch a lot of comedy and romance related films, being someone who is on the deep end of his mental illness I feel that trying to feel what others feel helps me understand myself a bit better.

    With what I said above, have you tried thinking about what makes you upset or feeling down? Sometimes it can be that someone has looked at you funny or said something purposely to annoy you, other days it can be that you woke up late or that you just don't like where you are in life/who you're associating with. Negative vibes will always be around you, not everyone is going to be picture perfect as we very well know, but it's about surrounding yourself in happy thoughts to try battle your demons and fears.

    Thank you for the advice

  3. Dex informed me that the head Designer PIP was the nicest pip on osbot. Can a mod show me what the head designer PIP actually looks like on a username since Dex is unable to?

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