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  1. They don't do anything with ranges. Thats too susceptible to banning other people. Also there are bigger fishes to fry. By private IP.. do you mean internal IP? VPN? Proxy?
  2. F2p is super high ban rate, also how long do you run them? Are they fresh acounts?
  3. If it takes that long to setup the GUI you most likely are over complicating it
  4. Also if they like your free scripts they would be more likely to buy your premium scripts.
  5. Look at the update logs, they will give you a headsup on how the creator maintains his script.
  6. case 1: camera.movePitch(100 + (random(1, 70))); break; case 2: camera.movePitch(100 + (random(1, 70))); break; could be case 1: case 2: camera.movePitch(100 + (random(1, 70))); break;
  7. Just bot another account? Everything you do bot while doing then u have a good amount of scripts.
  8. This logic could be extrapolated to another method to make it easier to read. Config.enableStrPot && (!S.inventory.contains("Strength potion(4)") || (S.getInventory().getAmount("Strength potion(4)") < Config.strAmt)) shouldWithdrawItem(boolean enabled, String itemName, int amount) if (test.length > 0){ return test[0]; } else return null; return test.length > 0 ? test[0]] : null; final Set<Entry<String, Integer>> values = neededItems.entrySet(); final int maplength = values.size(); final Entry<String, Integer>[] test = new Entry[maplength]; Looks pretty ugly ngl.
  9. Patyfatycake

    Clay Miner

    Dropping requires interaction between two accounts so it seems like it would be easier to trace a direct correlation rather than another account picking them up.
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