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  1. Hi there, may I check why scripts that are still present like KhalAgility has expired?? Thank you!
  2. punkword10

    Fruity NMZ

    Not sure why but it keeps logging me out. I entered the dream and started script. It will exit dream and end script. Otherwise, when I start script outside and enable "re-enter dream", it will just hang there and not move, and log out.. P.S. solved it, accidentally set wrong break handler on client
  3. Trial pls to try!:)
  4. Just bought this script today, it works, but is it possible for you to preset certain valuable loots to loot rather than me typing out the IDs myself?(I have trouble getting the IDs..) E.g. for Flesh Crawlers and Ankous. Thanks! P.S. the profit counter seems not accurate haha, it's undercounting the number of loot i get P.S. Got Banned alr even tho i didnt suicide bot(did quests in between), smooth script that does the job i guess.
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