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Everything posted by Killhorde

  1. anyone bought from accountwarehouse before? They have some nice accounts but are they legit?
  2. Looking for a max cooking account prefer family crest to be done and have cooking gauntlets. Skype: nick.peach92
  3. Still looking for main, 100 cb+ only. budget is $600.
  4. if you get account with the slayer let me know. Till then no thank you.
  5. looking for a main account no lower then cb: 100 $600/600m gp budget. Skype: nick.peach92
  6. Ok choosing different walking method worked but now 3 hours into the script and it freezes up
  7. Hey Czar when banking in fishing guild it will fish one load and bank it but then it wont go back to fish for more.
  8. Looking for a main account prefer seller to be trusted.
  9. Skype me AI and bard please. Nick.peach92
  10. As title states I am looking for a end game main account for O7. 190+ quest points.
  11. Application: (Please post in the thread below, Do not pm this to me) Do you agree to the T.O.S: Yes Will you pay the deposit in full: In increments if possible. What position(s) are you applying for: Quester/Powerlvler/Barbarian Assault/Warrior Guild. How many hours are you available a week: Free all the time. Your Skype: nick.peach92
  12. 12 hour trial please? Killhorde is user
  13. Which tabs do you prefer to make? Iam currently doing varrock.
  14. https://gyazo.com/e1a43748b1b07a107bf467c0a7ccb3e3 Printscreen wasnt working for me... Ok now its working after restarting the script. Idk what I did different but so far Iam liking it. Will be another script I buying lol
  15. Ya I selected the butler and he keeps entering and exiting the portal. I do have the supplies
  16. Were do we need our home portal at
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